january 1, 2015

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i woke up entangled with luke and with my head throbbing.

"owey," he whined and rubbed his head, "i just said 'owey'"

"you're cute," i giggled but then groaned. i pulled the blankets over our heads before turning to bury my face into his chest.

"why d-does it hurt so much?" he whimpered and looked down at me.

"you are currently experiencing an extreme hang over," i responded.

"make it stop," he pouted.

"i wish i could."

"what time is it?" he mumbled. i blindly searched around the top of his nightstand until i felt a phone. i brought it under the covers with us and we both groaned loudly at how bright the light was.

"turn the brightness down," he muttered and i fumbled with his phone until i was able to make the screen dark.

"it's noon."

"oh. so we should p-probably get up."

"yeah," i sighed. we both rolled out of bed and stared at ourselves in the mirror.

"holy shit," his hands moved to his neck and his hair as his eyes widened, "so this is what they look like."

"what?" i furrowed my eyebrows.


"oh, yeah," i nodded and examined my own neck. there was one large purple mark on the side of the neck and there were many small marks along my collar bones.

"i'm not even sure what happened last night," he mumbled.

"i remember making out, something about a lip ring, and tripping over a dog."

"oh, right. And then you like...stripped i-in front of m-me," he blushed and looked away awkwardly.

"i did?" i scrunched my nose up, "sorry you had to see that."

"i l-liked it," he mumbled before rushing out to his bathroom.

"you what?" i called teasingly and followed him.

"i gotta go, d-don't follow me," he stuttered, trying to keep me out of the bathroom but i pushed passed him and into the bathroom.

"you what?" i smirked.

"stop it," he looked down at the ground. i giggled and stepped forward so he was forced to look at me. i stared at him before he sighed, giving into me, "y-you i-i, uh, why are you d-doing this t-to me?"

"because you're cute and i need to make sure you weren't totally disgusted by what you saw," i wiggled my eyebrows up at him.

he sighed heavily, "I l-liked watching you..."

i grinned and leaned up to kiss him but stopped when someone knocked on the door.

"are you almost done in there?!" alice's annoying voice echoed through the door.

"she's so annoying," i hissed, "her whole family is. why isn't josh staying with us?"

"i dunno," he shrugged, "h-he likes molly more th-than rosa does."

"they should be staying with us," i sighed. he smiled and looked down as he blushed.

"why are you all blushy blushy?"

"i l-like it when you say 'us' and 'we' like this is your home."

"well it's all i have."

"hurry up!" alice shouted. i whimpered and rubbed my hand.

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