october 25, 2014

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i stared at it and read it over and over again. i'm sorry. my eyes started filling with tears and he took one step to me so he could wrap his arms around me.

"i'm sorry, too," i mumbled into his chest and snaked my arms around his waist. i sniffled and did my best not to cry. he pushed me back a little and lightly brushed my tears away. his blue eyes were glossy and he blinked his own tears away.

"we're a mess," i laughed wetly and rested my head on his chest. i used the sleeve of my sweatshirt to wipe my face before burying my face back into his chest. my knees felt weak as i felt his lips press against the top of my head. i rested my chin on his chest so i could look up at him with wide eyes. he stared back at me with his sad ones but he also looked nervous. he started backing away but i grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to me.

"that was an okay thing to do," i whispered and smiled. i looked up at him and he lightly kissed my forehead. i blushed before i rested my head against his chest. he walked backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed and we both toppled over.

"well hello there," i giggled when i landed on top of him. my smile slowly faded when i realized how close our faces were, our noses were almost touching. if one of us leaned forward we would have kissed but i rolled off of him before anything like that could happen. he sat up and i sat up too. i pulled my knees up to my chest as i leaned my head on his shoulder. my phone went off and i searched through my large sweatshirt pocket until i found it.

mom: are you still at luke's?

me: yeah

mom: when will you be coming home?

me: do you need me home?

mom: i have to leave for the hospital early so i was going to come and pick you up before i had to go

me: oh. whatever is easiest for you

mom: okay. i'll be there in 5

i sighed and turned my phone off, "my mom's coming to pick me up in five minutes."

he nodded a little and rubbed his nose.

"why is it so hot in your room?" i mumbled and pulled my sweatshirt over my head. i neatly folded it and put it on the edge of his bed before leaning back and resting my head back onto his shoulder. he leaned his head onto mine and grabbed my hand. he played with my fingers and i couldn't help but notice how he always made sure his sleeves were pulled down and over his wrists. i watched him move my fingers around and press his hand up against mine.

my text tone went off and i clicked my phone on to display the message.

mom: i'm here

"i gotta go," i mumbled and started getting up. he nodded a little and watched me walk out. i ran out to my mom's car and slammed the door shut once i was in.

"god it's cold," i shivered.

"that it is," she nodded, "did you have a nice time with luke?"

i shrugged.

she groaned, "he got you shrugging, didn't he?"

"he might have."

she rolled her eyes and drove home.
halfway back to our house i realized why i was still so cold.

"i left my sweatshirt at luke's," i told her.

she groaned, again, "really?"


"do you want to go get it?"

"can we? it's my only nice sweatshirt."

"fine," she sighed and turned around. we pulled back up to luke's house and i ran to the front door. just as i was about to ring the doorbell his grandmother came out.

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