november 12 2014

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i was walking out of school when michael came running up to me.

"hey so once our shift is over do you want to do something with me? we could, like, see a movie or eat or go to the mall or like-" i cut off his fast rambling.

"sure," i smiled.

"okay, uh, do you want me to drive you to the store or are you going to walk?" he rocked back and forth on his heels.

"if you want to," i shrugged.

he nodded and smiled. i made eye contact with luke for five seconds before he shook his head and looked away. i was about to go after him but michael grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car.

the car ride was quiet and a little awkward so i was very glad when it was over.

"so, what do you want to do when we get off work?" he asked as i was putting bread on the shelves.

"i don't care," i shrugged, "i'm a little hungry."

"then where do you want to eat?"

"we could go get burgers," i suggested.

"sure," he nodded, "okay. just meet me out front when you finish."

"okay," i smiled and nodded before going back to what i was doing.


i walked outside after i had changed back into my everyday clothes. i leaned against the brick wall as i waited for michael.

"hey," he said breathlessly as he ran out, "sorry, mrs. key wanted me to do something."

"you're fine," i waved it off.

"so are you ready to go?" he asked.

"mhm," i nodded and smiled.

"do you just want to go to mcdonald's? it's quick and i actually have somewhere i need to be soon...." he trailed off and glanced at his phone. he just seemed awkward and nervous. i was feeling very uncomfortable as well and was about to say that i should just go home but i kept my mouth shut.

"so mcdonald's?" he repeated.

"oh, yeah, sure," i nodded. he nodded as well as he started his car.

when we ate, the awkward tension seemed to disappear. we talked more and he made me laugh a lot. his phone rang and he frowned at it before holding down the power button so it turned all the way off.

"don't you have somewhere you need to be?" i asked awkwardly. he shook his head.

"it can wait."

i blushed and looked down at my fries.

"do you still not like parties?" he asked.

"i. don't. like. parties," i said sternly.

"come on," he whined, "i know we've talked about this before but i mean, everyone likes parties."

i shook my head, "not me."

"have you ever even been to party?"

"not this year but yeah, i have."

"senior parties are a lot better than other parties. please come to one with me," he begged.

"no," i said sternly.

he sighed, "you're so stubborn."

"yep," i nodded.

"just one, please, you won't have the full high school experience if you don't go to at least one."

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