febuary 22, 2015

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luke and i were sitting at the lunch table waiting for calum to arrive.

"hi, sorry it took so long. i had to stay back and finish a test," he said breathlessly when he got to the table. luke and i nodded before turning back to our food.

"so you guys had sex, huh?" he said randomly. my eyes widened and i stared at luke. he was staring back and me with the same amount of shock.

"how did you know?" he asked.

"dude, you guys have hickies all over your necks and when you took off your sweatshirt earlier i saw the scratches on your back. you really need to cut your nails," he pointed at me.

"oh my god," i mumbled and covered my neck with my hands. my make up didn't work well enough to cover them, i guess.

"so how was it?"

"you guys can talk about it later. i don't want to talk about it," i vigorously shook my head.

"okay," they shrugged. i looked over and saw them smirk and calum fist bumped luke under the table. i rolled my eyes and returned back to my food.


it was now seventh period and our math teacher was handing out tests. he smiled when he gave luke his but he gave me a dirty look when he passed me back my paper that was folded in half so i couldn't see my grade. i glanced over to luke's to see a 97 on his paper.

"what'd you get?" he asked.

"i don't think we have to check."

"it can't be that bad."

i slowly blinked at him, "really? 'it can't be that bad'?" i mocked.

"i'm just trying to make things a little better," he mumbled.

i sighed but unfolded my paper.

"ha!" i pointed at the 69 on my paper.

"alexa..." he sighed.

"69," i giggled.

"alexa," he repeated.

"i don't want to be serious about this. it's just another bad grade. let me giggle."

"but-" the bell cut him off. i stood up and grabbed my backpack before rushing out of the classroom.

"alexa! babe, wait, please," he called after me. i kept walking until i was in front of calum's class.

"where's your boy toy?" he asked.

"he should be here any second. unless he ran into someone and freaked out...shit," i spun around to see luke running up to me.

"so...many...people," he panted.

"look! i got a 69 percent on my paper! a 69," i giggled like a ten-year-old as i showed him my paper.

"nice," he smirked and giggled with me. luke was still looking at me sadly.

"why isn't he giggling?" calum asked.

"he's too disappointed in me to giggle."

"i'm not disappointed," he argued.

"i want to go home," i sighed and started walking away.

"baby please just listen to me!"

"luke, leave it alone. i don't think she wants to talk right now," i heard calum say quietly.


"luke," he said sternly.

"she's my girlfriend. i can talk to her when i want," he rushed up next to me, "i'm not-"

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