december 28, 2014

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i was woken up by something wet poking the back of my neck.

"what the hell?" i mumbled groggily. i looked behind me to see peanut poking me with his nose. i slowly rolled over so i wouldn't wake luke up.

"what're you doing?" i giggled. he curled up on top of my stomach which made it hard for me to breathe but i didn't care. it sucked because he was almost as big as he was going to get but he had been a lapdog since i found him. i wasn't sure what i was going to do when he became fat and the only thing he would want to do would be sleeping on top of me. i realized that luke probably couldn't breathe very well because he had both peanut and me on top of him. i gently pushed peanut off of me and he whined before wiggling in between me and the couch.

"good morning," i heard luke say in his raspy morning voice.

"hi," i responded once i had rolled over. peanut scooted up to lick luke.

"good morning to you too," luke smiled.

"i'm hungry," i pouted up at him. he grabbed my hips to push me off of him so he could stand. he laced our fingers together as he led me to the kitchen.

"w do you want?" he asked.

"cereal is fine." he nodded and grabbed the box of cereal. i got out the milk, bowls, and spoons before padding to the table.

"good morning," his grandmother greeted us as she walked in.

"good morning," luke and i mumbled.

"did you two have fun last night?" she asked. we both nodded and smiled.

"that's good," she smiled at us, "oh, luke, i forgot to tell you that your aunts and uncles will be flying over for new years."

"r-really?" he questioned with wide eyes.

"mhm. your cousins will be coming, too. they really miss you."

"oh," he mumbled and looked down.

"they're bringing molly," she cooed. his head instantly shot up.

"really?!" a large grin grew on his voice as he looked at her.

"yes," she nodded.

"oh my god," he breathed excitedly, his eyes lighting up and he was bouncing up at down in his chair, "when will she get here?"

"they will get here the day after tomorrow."

"how long will she be here?!"

"they'll be here until the fifth. so that's six days."

"is she gonna be staying with us?"

"aunt rosa and uncle andy will be staying with us and i think they're going to keep molly here."

his grin grew even bigger. i don't think i had ever seen him this happy.

"is molly your dog?" i asked.

"mhm," he nodded vigorously.

i laughed a lightly, "i like how you're more excited about your dog than you are about your relatives."

"they annoy me," he pouted.

"why?" anne asked.

"e-ever since th-the day y-you-" his face grew sad and he was having trouble saying what he wanted. it was as if he didn't want to say what day it was.

"the day we chose who got custody of you?" she asked softly. he nodded.

"that wasn't a very good day but it's okay now. we all made up and nobody is mad."

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