december 24, 2014

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it was now christmas eve and luke and i were watching christmas movies. i had only gone home once in the past two days and my mom was pissed. i currently had twenty missed calls from her and a lot of angry voicemails. i wasn't planning on going home for awhile because a; it's so fucking cold there b; my mom is going to kill me and c; i was actually happy when i was here and i liked to be happy.

"you didn't get me any presents, right?" i looked up at luke and i saw a small smile on his face as he shrugged. "i told you not to! i can't get you anything and now i feel bad."

"it's fine," he chuckled lightly, "i got s-stuff for peanut, Not you."

"now peanut feels bad," i sighed. peanut took his head off of my lap to look at both of us before putting it back down. luke shook his head before focusing his attention back on the tv. i put my head on luke's shoulder and sighed contently. i felt myself getting more tired as time went on and pretty soon i was asleep.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀december 25, 2014

i was woken up by luke and when i opened my eyes i saw his grinning face.

"get up," he demanded and grabbed my hand, "it's christmas!"

"oh, right," i giggled, "merry christmas."

he dragged me out to the kitchen and fell into his chair.

"you don't seem excited at all," i laughed and sat next to him. his grandmother shuffled over and put a plate of cinnamon rolls in front of each of us. luke's smile slowly faded as he stared down at the sugary food in front of him.

"is something wrong?" i asked.

"i-it's - i-i, um," he stuttered and rubbed the back of his neck. i saw his eyes fill with tears but he quickly blinked them back.

"shrug," i said softly, "what's wrong?"

"i-i c-c-can't," he huffed frustratedly and buried his face in his hands.

"i know, pumpkin, i miss them too," anne rested her hands hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek softly. there was something going on here that i was unaware of.

"it's the first christmas without his parents and his mother loved cinnamon rolls," she whispered to me so luke couldn't hear.

"oh," i breathed as i nodded. luke wiped his eyes and we silently ate our food. once he was done he got up and shuffled to his room. i followed.

"w-we do present a-after dinner," he mumbled as he crawled onto the bed.

"okay," i nodded and curled up next to him. for the next hour we lied there in a comfortable silence.

"i'm going to go get something to eat, you want any?" i asked as i slowly stood up from the bed. he shook his head. i sent him a half smile before ambling off to the kitchen. i stopped dead in my tracks when i got there. his grandmother was standing at the stove and i could hear her softly weeping. i backed out and rushed to luke.

"your grandmother's crying," i whispered.

"is s-she cooking?"


"m-my mum used to cook with her," he stuttered and looked down at his lap.

"oh," i whispered. he nodded and chewed on his lip. my stomach growled and i gathered up enough courage to venture to the kitchen, again.

"do you need any help?" i asked softly.

"hmm?" she hummed and turned around, her eyes wet.

"i can help, if you want..." i shrugged and trailed off.

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