febuary 21, 2015

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i sat up and rubbed my eyes as i grabbed the box. i pulled the note off of it and unfolded it.

i got home and saw you sleeping. you looked so cute so i decided not to disturb you. the good thing is that i got to be creepy and watch you sleep but the bad thing was that i didn't get to give you the present in person. hopefully i'll be home in time to see you open the box but i had to go to calum's because he was freaking out about something. so i'm rushing to write this letter note thing whatever the fuck it is. you can open the box or you can wait, it's up to you. i know you'll probably get worried and anxious but i'd like you to wait because you might get confused. but do what you want. i'll see you in a bit, babe.


this fuckboy. how was i supposed to sit here and wait for him to come home? i got out my phone to text.

me: when will you be home?

shrug: well calum started crying but he's calm now and i'm just waiting for him to be completely okay.

me: what happened?

shrug: idk. he was freaking out about something and when i got here he started crying so i'm just lying here with him curled up next to me while he listens to music.

me: aw

shrug: yeah...he'll be okay. i think he just has little episodes like this bc he always hides everything.

me: i can relate.

shrug: yeah

me: well text me when you're going to come home. you don't have to come home soon. i want you to leave when he's okay.

shrug: mkay. i'll see you soon.

me: bye

i turned my phone off and set the box aside so it wouldn't mock me. i then curled up next to molly. peanut had gone outside and when he came back he climbed over me before settling half on my side and half on the couch. i sighed contently at the fact that i was surrounded around dogs. i loved dogs so much.

i flipped through netflix before clicking the movie rain man. i hadn't seen it before but luke said it was good. i cuddled up to the dogs as i watched the movie.

it was an amazing movie but halfway through i felt my eyelids growing heavier and soon i had drifted off to sleep.


"alexa," luke poked my nose in an attempt to wake me up.

"no," i whimpered and buried my face into one of the dogs, "let me sleep."

"baby, c'mon. you don't look like you were sleeping very well."

it was true; my sleep was very restless and i had a few nightmares. they weren't that bad but they were still nightmares.

"i want to tell you what's in the box," he grinned, his dimples popping.

"okay," i mumbled and shifted over so i was curled up in his lap, "i missed you."

"i was only gone for, like, two hours," he chuckled. i shrugged before burying my face into his neck.

"we can open the box now," i yawned and shifted off of his lap. i sat next to him with my legs draped over his lap. he grabbed the box and handed it to
me. i bit my lip as i started to take the lid off. inside were two pieces of paper.

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