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Interview by Asha Blucher

I decided to get tested for HIV. Before I went to my local clinic in Toronto, I wanted to know what testing would be like. So I called the clinic today and asked what I should expect when being tested for HIV/AIDS. This clinic is an approved anonymous testing site for sexual transmitted disease and infections.

Here are some of the questions I asked and the answers I got.

Q. How do I get tested at the clinic?

A. You have to call the clinic to make an appointment.

The wait for an appointment can be up to two weeks.

Q. What is the next step after making the appointment?

A. You would come into the clinic and see a counselor. The counselor will ask a few questions about your sexual habits and help you to better understand risks. The counselor will also talk to you about the test and answer any questions you have about the test for HIV.

Q. What method is used for the testing?

A. A new and safe, sterilized needle is used to withdraw blood from you. The blood will then be sent off to a lab for testing.

Q. How long do I wait for my test results?

A. You would wait approximately 10 days for the results to return.

Q. Would I be notified by phone?

A. No: the clinic does not give results over the phone. You would have to come in person to get your results. This way, the counselor can be there to answer any questions you have. If the results are positive, the counselor can help you determine what support you might need.

Q. What types of testing are available at the clinic?

A. This clinic specializes in anonymous HIV testing, both nominal and non-nominal. These are two methods that clinics use so that we can match your results to you while also keeping your results anonymous and confidential.

Q. What is “nominal” testing?

A. It is a where you give the clinic a name. This could be any name you choose as long as it lets us tell you your results.

Whether or not you use your real name, the results will be kept confidential.

Q. What is “non-nominal” testing?

A. Non-nominal testing uses a combination of numbers for identification purposes. Each person tested is assigned a number. The clinic has the list that matches numbers to people, and it is confidential. Anyone else, such as the labs, only sees the numbers.

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