Plenty of Fish in the Sea... Straight Fish!

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Plenty of Fish in the Sea… Straight Fish!

by Andrew Coimbra 

 You know the old saying. People will always tell you after you break up with someone that “there are plenty of other fish in the sea.” Well, I’m here to tell you that it may be true, but few of those fish are full¬ blown angelfish—if ya know what I mean. And that can make it difficult to find another fish to love! 

I’m talking about us non¬straight guys out there. If you think it’s a challenge for a straight guy to find a girl he cares about, it’s really difficult for gay and bisexual guys to even meet other gay/bi guys our own age. It really is. I mean, it’s kind of depressing not being able to find someone your age to hang out with, let alone share the world with. Cheesy, but love is, isn’t it? 

The worst part is, when you finally do meet someone, you might be tempted to stay with him even if the guy is no good for you. Basically, don’t be foolish. You’re gay. Gay people are smart. I mean, I am (don’t hate, appreciate). Just remember, sooner or later the right guy will come along and you’ll be happy. Crazy happy! So good luck, and don’t be too quick to make decisions. 

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