The Writing on the Wall: My Experience With Homophobia

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The Writing on the Wall: My Experience With Homophobia 

by Curtis Winter 

 When I was 16 years old, I knew I was gay but I wasn’t out yet. One day near the end of grade 10, I was coming home from school when I saw it. I was walking along the path that leads to the front of my building when I noticed something had been painted in huge letters on the wall: CJ IS A FAG. CJ was my nickname. 

I just stopped and stared at it for a while. I wanted to cry. I was very ashamed and hurt that someone hated me so much they would do that to me at the place I lived. I didn’t know what to do, so I just ran inside to my room. 

Then my mom came home with my sister and step¬-dad. They had all seen it. My mom tried to be sensitive to my feelings and talk to me about, but I didn’t want to. Instead, I just grabbed a bucket of paint from under the sink and painted over that writing again and again till it was gone. 

I never found out who did it. Since then, I’ve come out, and it has sometimes been hard, but you know what? That writing on the wall was probably still the meanest thing anyone has ever done to me in my entire life. 

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