EX FACTOR: Dealing with a Former Flame

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EX FACTOR: Dealing with a Former Flame 

by Antonio Giovanni Rumere 

Have you ever felt that your ex is bothering you or your new partner? What should you do when your ex can’t let you go? 


1. Be honest. Tell your ex straight up that the relationship is over. 

2. Set ground rules. Make it clear what kind of behavior is NOT okay, like calling you constantly, calling your new flame, or coming to your house uninvited. 

3. Stay calm. Don’t go crazy and start yelling. You want to be able to solve problems with calmness, so that you don’t start new issues or rehash old ones. 

If your ex keeps on coming up to you, then you may have to get help from your friends and family. Let them know that your ex isn’t respecting your ground rules. Having others support those rules might help your ex realize that you really mean it. However, some people have a really hard time moving on. If things continue or get worse, talk to a school counselor or nurse or contact one of the organizations at the back of this book. You’re dealing with harassment and you’re gonna need heavy backup. 

Whatever the outcome, it’s important that you’ve tried to solve the problem without losing your temper. You should give props to yourself for this, because no one else did it but you. 

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