PAPER CUT: Thoughts on Jealous Fellas

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PAPER CUT: Thoughts on Jealous Fellas 

by Lucas Perez 

“Beware of jealousy!” says Shakespeare. “It is the green¬eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.” Whatever that means. 

Personally, I think of jealousy as that possessive feeling you get when you really want to be with someone, but you think (or know) that that person is interested in somebody else. I admit that I’ve felt jealous before and it led me to act like a complete asshole. One time, a guy I know kissed a girl that I wanted to kiss and I got so pissed at him, even though she wasn’t even my girlfriend. Another time, when I did have a girlfriend, I thought she was being too flirty with another guy and I got pissed at her. Both times I got mad over nothing, and I apologized for my actions. 

Sometimes people in a relationship can’t help feeling jealous. If they can talk about it and deal with it, though, it is completely normal and healthy. Jealousy becomes unhealthy if it ends up being the root of every conflict. In some cases, jealousy can lead to abusive behavior, where one person tries to control the other by using manipulation, threats, or even violence. If you think that your jealousy is like this or you know of someone who is like this, check out the back of this book for places where you can find help.

Jealousy is something that you need to control - not something that should control you.  

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