STI Freestyle

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Patrick Kabongo

Some dudes move loose, they ain’t rocking no shoes

If you go barefoot in these women, you making

the wrong move

Gotta be cool and try not to rush nothing

Cause you can get burned if it’s a one-way with no u-turns

You can catch STIs where your flesh don’t burn

Better put a Jimmy hat on, why you guys don’t learn

That some girls been packing them germs for sure?

Make the right move and you won’t get put in an urn.

Aint too many that plan with it


Ain’t just the gays

Trans with it

Condom first

Sex second

Or no chance

With it

‘Cause viruses making huge splash like divers is

So listen and work with

What you got like MacGyver did

Or you will soon know

What dying is

Going in raw

Dangerous like skydiving is

No parachute

No going bare

You better have a pair of shoes

Or prepare to lose

Cause once you in and you exit

If the virus in

No exit

Jimmy hat or forget it.

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