Dusky Boy

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Dusky Boy

by Anonymous, 18 

 Calm down pretty boy 

Playing it cool and easy 

Letting your eyelids droop lazily 

Making my inside burn at the thought of you ignoring me 

But then your matted hair frizzles and gives you away 

I could never run my fingers through those dreaded locks 

But I know you’d give me time to untangle every single strand 

If I wanted 

Calm down little boy 

Spreading out your darkly clothed legs 

Leaning down like a man into comfortable silence 

Making my cheeks burn red as I gripped the pole to steady my mind 

Feeling me pass you as the train shudders to a halt, 

As I shiver and release 

I walk off the car, doors closing 

I look back and stare into your eyes, and you stare back into mine 

The train picks up speed, yet we still keep this gaze unbroken, Until finally you are gone, into complete darkness 

And I am left standing in a deserted subway station 

At one in the morning, 

Thinking how I’ll never see you again 

Calm down, dusky boy 

Sitting only five seats away from me 

On an empty subway car 

Making my palms sweat with a glance at your smooth skin 

Metal rings and bars interrupting the gentle line of your nose 

In my mind my fingers run over each pierced crevice 

Tracing over the cold, steel scars 

Fondling their perfection

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