Not Sure...

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Not Sure… 

Kyle Brandos 

When I got my first serious girlfriend, I felt amazed that sex was suddenly an option for me, but I was also worried about it. We would make out and fool around but always stop before it went further than kissing and touching. When my girlfriend talked about sex, I told tell her that we should wait ’cause I wanted her to be sure. I tried to make it about her not being ready, ’cause I felt that, as a guy, I should always be ready. But, really, I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know if she was “the one.” I wanted the first person I had sex with to be someone I was going to be with for a long time. I also didn’t want to sleep with her and later, if we didn’t stay together, have her feel like I was some asshole just using her for sex. I just didn’t want to be responsible for that. 

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