The Young Tings: A Cautionary Tale

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Anonymous, 17

It was a hot and steamy summer day. I was riding around on a bike when I noticed this young hottie walking down the street. So, I decided to try my luck. I caught her attention and she smiled at me. We started a conversation. She told me that she was on her way home and that she had just turned 16. I decided to try and get her digits so I wheeled along with her to the subway. We talked and laughed like two old friends.

When we reached the subway station, I got off my bike and asked for a hug. She took me in her arms and gave me a passionate kiss. She was about to leave when instead she said, “Let’s go somewhere.” I accepted her invitation.

I knew a perfect spot nearby where we could make out.

There was a staircase under this dollar store in Chinatown that was hidden from prying eyes, but still well lit. It was a cool spot on a very hot day with a very hot girl. We started to kiss and hold each other passionately—and we ended up having sex.

After that, we spent the whole afternoon walking around hand-in-hand. It was great!

Over the next while, we made more arrangements to meet at various places around the city and usually ended up making out. Weeks started to pass when I began to realize that she often had trouble keeping dates, times, places. She wouldn’t even bother to call or leave a message if she was late or unable to show up. I then realized that maybe this relationship was only sexual and wasn’t going anywhere substantial.

Finally, after yet another time when she didn’t show up, I saw a friend of hers on the street and asked her about my girlfriend’s whereabouts. She replied, “Do you know she’s only 13?” I couldn’t believe it. I immediately knew I had to get out of that relationship.

The moral of the story: always, always make sure you know the real age of any girl you are with. Some girls look older than  they really are and you don’t want to mess around with someone who is too young. When it comes to meeting girls, there’s enough to worry about without also facing problems with the law.

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