SEX: Do Ya Really Need It?

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SEX: Do Ya Really Need It? 

 Andrew Coimbra 

 Okay, so throughout this book, you’ll learn about how to protect yourself from big bad wolves known as STIs and how to not get a girl pregnant by accident. Important stuff, but one of the most important things anyone could ever tell you when considering sex is this: You don’t have to have sex! 

 Just because you’ve got the urge, doesn’t mean you have to do the deed. And just because your best friend Jimmy has sex, like, every other day (and talks about it constantly), doesn’t mean you have to! I mean really, if Jimmy jumped off a bridge, would you?! I would HOPE not. Jeesh. ‘Cause having sex is kinda like jumping off a bridge. Sure it’s a thrill, but you can never be sure what’s at the bottom. 

 Abstinence, or not having sex, could be one of the better things you could do to protect yourself. 

 Check it out: 

 If you are not sexually active… 

 • you are at zero risk of getting HIV/AIDS from sexual contact. 

• you don’t need to worry about them other pesky STIs. 

• you don’t need to lie when your moms asks, “Have you done the ‘Dirty Deed,’ dear?” (Ew. Embarrassing). 

• you don’t need to keep dirty secrets from your friends, thus ruining amazing friendships. 

• you can feel better that you’re not giving into peer pressure, media pressure, or hormonal pressure—you, my friend, are an individual! 

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