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SNIP! SNIP! The Circumcised Penis

by Myke Anderson

Every guy is born with a foreskin - a flap o' skin that covers the head of his penis. Some parents have that flap cut off their baby boy. Some parents leave it there. Say hello (or goodbye) to circumcision.

Most doctors (like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Paediatric Society) agree that circumcision is not usually medically necessary; in fact, complications from infec­tion or screwed­up anesthetics can actually cause harm. But not everybody agrees on which is better: cut or uncut. Some people say cut (circumcised) dicks are better for STI prevention, but an uncut guy who cleans his dick properly is just as safe. Some people think uncut guys get more pleasure from sex, but that depends more on the person and the foreskin. Other people feel that getting cut is an important religious ritual. (Interesting fact: in the 1890s circumcision was thought by some people to prevent masturbation. Trust me, it doesn't work-thank God!)

The bottom line is that whether you're a v­neck or a turtle­neck, you need to live with it and KEEP IT CLEAN. Uncut guys have to know some extra tricks:

1. Uncut guys need to wash under the foreskin as well as washing the dick itself. It sounds painful but it's not (some people get off on it). Just soap up, scrub, and rinse in the shower and you should be good.

2. Uncut guys especially need to rinse their dick before they go into extra innings with their partner. Cum can get caught under the foreskin and lead to infection, which won't happen if you just wipe it off. Also, be sure to pull that foreskin back when putting on a condom.

Whatever the reason your parents decided to keep it or cut it, all dicks work just the same. So guys, just stay fresh and clean and enjoy what you got!

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