GIVE ME A BREAK: The Dumper and the Dumped

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GIVE ME A BREAK: The Dumper and the Dumped 

by the Group

Breaking up. Sooner or later we all go through it. If you’ve been dumped, you know that it feels all kinds of crappy. But sometimes you gotta be the dumper. How do you know if you’re ready to go? Some stuff to think about: 

– Make one of those pro and con lists. Cheesy, but it works. 

– Figure out what’s changed between you. Is it something you can fix? Is it something you even want to fix? 

– Talk to someone who’s spent a good amount of time on the relationship train. Perspective is key, bro. 

If you decide getting out is what you gotta do, how do you do it? Here are some ideas on how to break up… without The Dumped wanting to break your face: 

– The most important thing is to end it by telling your partner straight up how you feel. 

– Don’t be an asshole about it. Don’t play the blame game and don’t start name-calling. 

– Face to face is best, and do it somewhere quiet — without your or her or his friends around. 

– Keep it short. You don’t have to have a big ol’ conversation about your deepest feelings. Just be clear that you’ve made your decision and stick to it. 

Remember, there is no point continuing the relationship anymore if one of you isn’t interested. 

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