Livestocks ( Dani Clayton )

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* lowercase intended *


you were hired by Mrs. Emily Clayton. a farm manager who owned acres of land. your duty at the farm was to tend for the livestocks.

after a month of working for the lady, today you were shoeing a horse. when you finished your task, you made your way to the nearby dwelling where the boss had her office.

in hopes of finding her, you instead bumped with her daughter, Dani Clayton.

in hopes of finding her, you instead bumped with her daughter, Dani Clayton

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" Oh, hello..," she greeted shyly, holding a vase with a plant on it. " Looking for my mother?"

You nodded, ", yeah. Is she around?"

" No, she had a very important meeting with one of her colleagues. She left me in charge," Dani smiled, placing the vase down on the desk besides her. " May I help you with something? "

you and Dani met once when her mother introduced her to you. after that, you never saw her again. " Oh, okay. Um, well, I have finished shoeing the horse down at the barn. i was wondering if i could do the immunizations for the horses today? i know she had that scheduled for tomorrow, but I have finished my task for the day. i don't really have anything else to do."

Dani pondered for a little bit, trying to get in her mother's shoes. she had never been left in charge, so this was a bit complicated. after a few minutes however, she smiled, nodding at you.

" sure, you may do that." Dani authorized.
" but...would you like coming with me to the greenhouse? i would love to show you something i've been working there. it's pretty awesome, if you don't mind?"

" Oh..," you replied, not knowing what to say. you really didn't want to get in trouble with the boss.

" You won't get in trouble," Dani giggled, as if she just read your mind. " I promise, Y/n."

she remembered your name. so many names to memorize, but dani recalled yours so easily. " Oh wow, you remembered my name..," you replied, and she nodded immediately.

" of course, you're my mom's favorite. and to be honest, i've seen you numerous times tending the animals from afar. you're pretty good," she smiled. " i know that sounds like i'm stalking you, but i ain't! i promise!," she clarified, and the two of you laughed.

" Don't worry, i didn't see it that way," you answered back. " but thank you, i always try my best."

" well, you're doing excellent," Dani took her vase back on her hands, " follow me?"

you hesitated for a bit, but eventually gave in. back at the greenhouse, she showed you everything she's been growing. tomatoes plants, tropical flowers- she had a little bit of everything.

" Wow, this looks like paradise," You smiled, as she grazed her hand across her plants, listening to yours words.

" yeah, this is my safe haven," Dani replied, pointing down at a specific flower. " This one is my favorite from all."

you stepped next to her, examining the blossom she was showing you. " It's beautiful."

" they're called brunfelsia pauciflora," Dani started to explain. " They change color as they mature. purple blooms first day; then they fade to pale violet on the second, and on the third day, they become white. They're mostly known as the 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow' plant," she giggled, looking at you now. " Wanna know what other name they call them?"

curiously to know, you nodded. " of course, i'm already intrigued with it."

she stepped closer to you, her eyes darting to your lips and then back to your orbits. " Kiss me quick," Dani whispered. " They're also called like that. Kiss me quick."

" Oh," you swallowed gently, looking down at her. she was so close to you, and you felt nervous about it. not in a bad way, but pleasantly absorbed with her aura.

" Dani! where are you?," you heard your boss call for her daughter, and you immediately stepped away from her.

" Sorry. I'll get back to work, alright?," you rushed your words, merging out of the greenhouse in a haste.

dani just giggled, " you wont get in trouble!," you heard her say, but you weren't going to risk it.

now, you were left questioning to yourself what just happened.


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