Treat you better| Nate Jacobs | Maddy Perez

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content warning: language, physical abuse
Genre: Drama
Requested: where reader is Nate Jacobs sister. Reader and Nate are nothing alike, and she's trying to let Maddy latch on that. Reader also cares and loves Maddy, but Maddy thinks she's lying.

'•.¸ Not Your Puppet Anymore¸.•'


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Nate Jacobs was your older brother by a year

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Nate Jacobs was your older brother by a year. You and him were totally opposites on everything. With the conflicts of always being on the contrary and not clashing as siblings, the Jacob's household was a complete paradox. Nate was destroying the reputation of the family with his repugnant decisions. He was a complete mess, and this affected you having him as your brother. Because everything he did, would always rebound your way. But deep down you knew you were far from heinous and heartless, like he was. Of course, Rue and Lexi who were your best friends, were the only ones that knew your personality, and how you and Nate were divergent from each other.

As you went up the stairs with a bowl of cereal on your hands, a blonde girl stepped out of Nate's room. Her hair was all ruffled and lipstick smeared across her cheeks. You watched how her legs wobbled side to side, brushing past you with a smile plastered on her face.

This was one of the millions of girls Nate would bring home whenever he and Maddy broke up.

" What you eating there?," Nate asked, leaning against his doorframe, wearing only his boxers.

" You broke up with Maddy again?," You ignored his question,standing in front of him.

" Yeah, but we'll be back tomorrow. Don't worry about that," He chuckled, scratching his testicles. " She always comes back to me, that's a fact."

You chuckled sarcastically, and replied, " You don't deserve Maddy, brother. And that's an actual fact," before going straight to your room.

" That bitch doesn't deserve ME!," You heard him yell, as you shut the door close.

With all the guys Maddy could've fall in love with, she chose to nosedive into the wrong arms.

J'adore   : ̗̀➛ Gif ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now