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a/n: poker face by Lady Gaga will always be a bop!

a/n: poker face by Lady Gaga will always be a bop!

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the casino was crowded, people concentrated on their poker table game while others enjoyed their beverages the waitresses were offering them as they cranked their slots machines.

as you passed by to join your friend by the poker table, a young brunette bumped into you. she was a waitress at the establishment, clearly obvious by her attire and tray she was holding. the drinks spilled onto your shirt, the glasses collapsing to the floor.

" Oh my god, I am so sorry," She immediately apologized, as you took a look at your shirt and then back at her. her cheeks were flushed, evidently embarrassed. " I'm so sorry!"

" Hey, don't worry about it," You assured her with a gentle smile, bending down to help her gather the turmoil of glasses that were in the floor. luckily the ground was actually carpet, so the glasses were unable to get shattered.

" Do you want a napkin? I can get one for you," the waitress rushed her words, as she help pick up the rest and placed them on the tray. " I'm sorry."

you both stood up, and you shook your head. " No, it's okay. It's not that bad anyways," You smiled, finally taking a better look at her. she was beautiful. As your eyes scanned her, you went ahead and read the name tag on her uniform. " Maddy, don't apologize. It's alright. Accidents tend to happen," You smiled gently at her, but she was feeling very shameful.

" I don't know where I was going or even thinking I-I," You cut her sentence off.

" It's a busy night, Maddy. It can get a little overwhelming sometimes," You explained. " Don't worry, I'm not going to make a big deal about it," You reassured her. she really was taking this very seriously.

" Please, come with me. We have a stain removal spray at the back, I can help you take it off," She insisted. if that was going to make her feel better, then fine. as you agreed, she took you through an only-personnel door back to the sanitation area of the establishment.

the room was dimmed lightly, shelves piled with chemical bottles. " Here," maddy immediately gather the stain-free spray and a cloth. " That should work," She smiled, handing it to you.

You went ahead and grabbed it, spraying some on your shirt.

" Leave it for a minute before scrubbing it, " she instructed, and you nodded.

the room was cold, and you could hear the chatter from outside muffled.  the moment was a bit awkward as you waited for the chemical to do it's magic, so you ended up breaking the ice. " I've never met such caring waitress like you, Maddy. "

she smiled gently, placing a few of her hair strands behind her ear. " I just felt really bad. I can't let you go around the casino with a stain on your shirt i clearly caused. "

" Oh come on, it actually compliments my shirt, don't you think?," You joked, and she shook her head.

" No, it does not," Maddy giggled.

her laugh was contagious, dimples exhibiting her cheeks. " Oh wow, I love your dimples. they're cute."

" Oh...," Her cheeks flushed, " Thank you...," Maddy whispered shyly, and you smiled.

eventually, the minute passed and you took a look at your shirt. it definitely absorbed most of the liquid. With the cloth, you gently scrubbed it, finalizing the removal of the wine. " Just like magic!," You chuckled, and Maddy beamed at you. " Thank you..."

she nodded, taking the chemicals from you. " No, thank you for not getting mad about it," Maddy said, going over to place them back to where they belong. Sadly, as she put them aside, a bottle from the top shelf wobbled, falling on top of her head.

you immediately ran to her, a hand on her waist while the other soothed her head. " Jesus christ, are you okay?," You asked concerned.

she laughed, nodding. " My day just keeps getting worse..."

you chuckled lightly, easing the part of her head that was stroke by the bottle of Clorox. " Are you okay, though? You don't feel dizzy? Does it hurts?"

she looked up at you, realizing how you were the one caring for her now. she found that adorable. with your eyes meeting with Maddy's, and close proximity you two had, when the door of the back room opened, things weren't like it seemed.

Maddy's coworker mouth was opened widely, a sly grin plastering on his face. " Oh my god Maddy, I didn't think you were such a thrill seeker! That's hot!," He smiled, going over to grab a mop at the corner.

you two immediately took a step back, and Maddy shook her head. " Is not what it seems, Tom!," she corrected, and he chuckled lightly.

" Oh it's okay, boo. I won't tell anybody, i promise. Besides, it's time for you to get laid," he blurted out, and your eyes widened.

" Tom!," Maddy shouted embarrassed, while he just grabbed the mop and sassily left the storage room.

as surprised as you were by his comment, you couldn't help but chuckle. Maddy just placed her hands to cover her face, and just ended up joining you with a giggle.


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