Vada • Mia | Tipsy

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! Fluff one-shot ¡

•reader x Mia•

•reader x Mia•

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Vada and Mia were best friends. They were so close that sometimes their peers at school misunderstood them as a couple. However, in your eyes, they truly were just that — best friends, nothing more. The two of them always attended your volleyball practices, sitting together in the bleachers and exchanging giggles. You knew that one of them had a crush on you, but you weren't sure who it was. If you had to make a guess, your safe bet would've been Mia. She was the one who often avoided eye contact with you and seemed shy around your presence, especially when she was alone.

When she was with Vada, she was the opposite. A clear example was her cackling during your volleyball practices with Vada. It was interesting how her demeanor would change when she was with Vada, but you couldn't help but laugh. One time, Vada and Mia were riding their bicycles back and forth in front of your house, laughing and trying to get your attention. When you stepped out to say hi, Mia stumbled and fell down. Concerned, you went to help her and even offered to put a bandage on her injured knee, but she refused and left. You watched them depart with their bicycles, feeling confused. You could've sworn you heard Vada shouting at Mia, "You're so stupid! You had her right there, she was going to help you, oh my god!"

However, they were already too far for you to hear the rest. You smiled and shook your head. If they thought they were being sneaky with the whole trying to get your attention dilemma, they were failing miserably. That's how you somewhat guessed that Mia was the one infatuated with you. Additionally, the day the science teacher paired you up with Mia to dissect a frog was another noticeable encounter with her that left you pensive.

"Are you okay, Mia?" you asked, concerned, as you watched her chest heaving anxiously.

"Yeah, it's just... um, the frog. Yeah, this dead frog is freaking me out," she rushed her words, her cheeks visibly red.

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