Art Class •Aster Flores

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You had art class with Aster. In one of the projects the Art teacher had for the students, he paired you up with her. You had to draw her. As you drew her, you realized how beautiful she was. You two have been on the same class for months, and just now you were realizing how stunning the brunette was; as you sketched her features onto the paper.

As you shared a conversation with her, to avoid the awkward silence, you got to acquaint yourself with Aster. Besides being beautiful, she was smart and articulated.

Stroke, erase, stroke was a bit challenging drawing her when she couldn't stop staring at you.

But you got the job done sooner or later. When you handed her the portrait you sketched, she fell in love with it.

Her eyes and yours met each other. A stare that lasted an eternity, which was broken when the school bell rang. And it was then, the two of you felt something for each other.

Aster was dating a girl from school, which made things complicated.

But you never gave up on her, and she also didn't stop from finding you on the hallways, and sharing a conversation with you. Even in art class, she began to sit next to you.

One day when you were taking some books out of your locker, you noticed Aster's girlfriend talking to her at the corner. You didn't know what they were chatting about, but when you saw how she threw Aster's notebook she was holding to the floor, and left fuming; you guessed it was a heated conversation.

" Let me help you with that," You helped her gather the papers from the floor. " Why she do that?"

She smiled gently, taking the papers from you; once you handed them over. " Thank you," Aster softly spoke. " And um, she's just mad because I'm leaving to visit my grandparents this weekend."

" So because of that, she had to slam your papers to the ground? Yeah, that's stupid," You shook your head.

After sharing a small talk about her girlfriend issues, you walked down the hallway with her to art class.

i really think your side profile is cute..

That's what the note Aster handed you over said, while the art teacher wrote something on the whiteboard.

You smiled, and ripped a page from your notebook.

You wrote her back: and i really think your smile is very beautiful. you should let it show more often :) it brightens my day.

When you handed her the note, she smiled brightly and laughed.

" Just like that," You quietly mouthed at her, and she bit her bottom lip at how silly you were.

There were many times you two felt the need to kiss each other, but you always held back. She was dating someone, you couldn't dare to do it.

That was until Friday came in, and Aster was leaving for the weekend to visit her grandparents.

You had asked her if she could come over to Moe's diner and share dinner with her.

Aster gladly accepted it.

At the diner, you two enjoyed each other's company. There was too much to love about her.

After finishing eating, you were outside with her. She was going to go her way, while you were heading back home.

" Have a safe trip, Aster," You smiled, and Aster remained quiet. She was staring at you, and then her gaze fell to your lips.

She wanted to kiss you.

With your hands pressing against her cheeks, you leant forward and gave her the kiss.

Aster melted against your touch, but reciprocated the smooch immediately.

When you pulled out, the world span around. The two of you were dazed by it, but you didn't regretted it.

" I'll see you Monday," Was the only thing you said back at her, before leaving your way home

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" I'll see you Monday," Was the only thing you said back at her, before leaving your way home.

Aster smiled, watching you depart; with her heart pounding out of her chest.

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