Chapter 29~ Save me

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TW: Assult / sexual assult

ummmm so yeah here's another chapter bcs yall got sm comments and votes on the last

make sure to comment and vote on here too everyone and ill post again soon! make sure to comment throughout the chapter not js here btw!

Valencia Morana

Esther slams her fist into my stomach and I spit some blood out to the side before laughing, "pathetic," I tell her before she freezes and looks at me. "Breaking the contract because you know you're going to lose?" I continue just for her to slap me.

They never found Alessio so thankfully they were all safe, but Wyatt injected me with something when he was taking me and I passed out, waking up here.

My hands chained to the roof of this room and my body hanging by the chains, being forced to stand up straight to face my mother's beating.

Wyatt made all his men stay at the house when he was taking me and the news of the Italians murdering every single last one of his men was music to my ears, that's why they're both so mad right now. They got outsmarted.
I raise my head when I hear the door opening and I curse under my breath. I see Wyatt walking towards me with something in his hands and my face forms disgust when I see him wrap his arm around Esther's waist and kiss her.

Fucking nasty.

I look away and hold in the urge to puke all over them before looking up at the chains where my hands are tied together, tugging on the the slightest bit, I don't know how long I've been here but its been too fucking long. I need to get out.

"Have fun," Esther laughs at me before walking out of the room leaving it to just the two of us. My jaw locks when he grabs my face with one hand and forces our eyes to meet. "Have you fucked him?" He asks and my breathing speeds up.

I take heavier breaths when I feel his nasty hands running up the side of my body, trying to pulling myself from his grip but the chains hold me captive, "fuck off." I grit out my words and his eyes narrow.

He gets so close our bodies touch and flashes of the night of my birthday start running through my head, "has he got inside that tight little pussy of yours yet or is it still all mine." He asks with possessiveness in his voice and his fingers begin digging into my cheeks as his hand slips under my torn up shirt.

"Stop it," I whisper with a beg in my voice and he smiles at the tone, I can't let it all happen again.

He takes a step back in fake surrender before letting his eyes run down my body and I look away from him when I feel a tear running down my cheek, "it's going to be so much better this time," he groans.

"Now answer my question," he starts again and I gasp when he grabs the neckline of my tank top with both hands and tears it right through the middle before pulling it off my body and tossing it to the ground leaving me in nothing but my bra and the tight leggings I wear.

The cold air hits my skin but what sends a shiver down my spin is when his index finger runs down the valley of my breasts, my eyes slam shut and I let out a shaky breath before nodding. "I've fucked him so many times I've lost count, and not just him too, so many other men." I tell him in hopes that he'll see me as disgusting and back off.

But it doesn't, it only makes him run his finger down my stomach and closer to my fucking cunt, "where is he now?" He asks me and thankfully pulls his hand off of me leaving me feeling dirty and humiliated.

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