Chapter 26~ Attack

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lowkey edited but i was half asleep so yah...

anyways thank u all smmm for commenting and voting sm let's do the same w this chapter and ill see you gorgeous ppl soon!

have a good read make sure to vote and comment pooks!

Valencia Morana

I walk out of the bathroom after my shower and changing into some black flared leggings and a black off the shoulder top while drying my hair with a towel, I walk towards my desk where I had my phone plugged into my laptop. I encrypted it to keep the location hidden from anyone trying to hack in and left to shower while the program downloaded onto my phone and everything.

When I see it says it's done I unplug it and pull the phone off the charger before walking into my closet and tossing my towel in the hamper.

My eyes rolling when I see Alessio's clothes hanging on one side of my closet because all the rooms are locked except for mine, Ajax's, Amara's and two guest bedrooms where harry is staying in one when he lands tonight and grant in the second because no way in hell would I let him sleep in the same room as my sister or anywhere close to her.

So until we figure out where dad put the keys to all the other rooms Alessio and I are stuck in one room, he can sleep on the floor for all I care.

I walk out of the closet and see him walking into the room and tossing his blazer somewhere on the ground before shutting the door, his eyes lock with mine and I don't hold the contact for more then a few seconds before looking away and walking back to my desk to grab the phone and head downstairs.

I took the phone and when I turned around a small gasp left my mouth when I was quickly trying to find my way out of the room and away from him but instead I bumped right into him and my hand landed on his chest to stabilize myself and keep myself from falling.

I look into his hazel eyes and as much as I hate to admit it I pity him once I see the tired look in his eyes, and I don't mean physical exhaustion, I mean tired as if he looks like he is going to break soon.

"If you wanted to feel me up all you had to do was ask," he threw a snarky comment at me and just then I realised he had thrown his button up on the ground and was shirtless. I cleared my throat before sending him a quick glare and pulling my hand off his chest just for my glare to fall to the tattoo above his collar bone, before I could properly see it I pulled myself away and walked past him.

I shut the door on my way out and am met with Ajax also walking down the stairs. I quickly pick up my pace to catch up with him but when I get close enough I see him running a hand through his hair and shoving his phone into the pockets of his sweats.

I walk beside him and raise an eyebrow at his bummed face before he simply hands me his phone, my eyebrows furrow but I walk down the stars and down the hall with him as I read what he has open on the screen.

It's texts with his ex wife, she's telling him she wants more money or else she'll call the cops on him. She knew that he was in a mafia and during their divorce Amara and I supported him fully. She took a hefty settlement and he didn't let us help pay it but rather took it out of his own accounts, we knew he didn't need the help but we thought it would make him feel better but the only thing that would help him the most was that bitch out of his life.

"When did she reach out?" I ask him while handing his phone back after reading all the insults she sent him and the huge amount of money she wants now. Legally she has no right to demand anything but she's threatening to out him and all of us, we need to do something about her.

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