Chapter 23~ Ballet

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heyy yall so you guys got 100 comments so i updated so lets see if we can get this chapter to 200 comments, and i mean like in the acc chapter itself not just right here bcs that don't count 😘😘 LMAOO

anyways but yah seeing all your guys comments on these chapters goves me sm motivation to keep writing so yah make sure to comment AND VOTEEEEE plsss 

have a good readddd !

Velencia Morana

My eyes close and I run two hands down my face when I hear the room's door unlock and open before slamming shut again. He's here.

I continue drying my hair with the towel in the bathroom for a few seconds before unlocking the door and walking out of the bathroom, my eyes find his back as he walks into the closet before I walk to the bed and grab a pillow.

I toss the towel on the ground before placing the pillow on the couch and taking a seat as he walks out of the closet with a towel while unbuttoning his shirt, I look away the second he stops and looks between the bed and I.

I turn my body away from him as I begin braiding my semi dry hair so I can sleep and don't miss the small laugh he lets out before walking into the bathroom to shower I assume. There is no way I am sleeping on the same bed as that man, no way in hell.

I finish loosely braiding my hair before laying down on the couch and pulling my legs up as I hug them to my chest and place my head on the pillow, trying not to fall asleep.


I act to be asleep on this hard uncomfortable couch as I hear him grabbing his gun and walking out of the room to go somewhere, thank god. I get up and sit straight before stretching my arms and legs after forcing myself to stay awake all damn night.

I rub my eyes while yawning and walking towards the closet and close the door, my hands grab a tight black rally zip up and some black leggings. I change my underwear and put on a proper bra before zipping on the zip up and putting on the leggings.

I grab all my clothes from the floor and toss them into the hamper in the corner before un braiding my hair and before I could leave the closet I saw the keys to the car I bought using Alessio's card and I feel a small smile on my lips as I grab the keys, running my hands through my hair as I walk out of the closet and the room just to be faced with the guard from yesterday standing outside the room.

I send him a hard glare before waking down the hall and down the stairs as i slide my black hair tie onto my wrist deciding to my hair open and walk into the kitchen, I see Alessio sitting on the stool with Antonio sitting beside him and I hold in a groan when they see me and it's too late to walk away.

Antonio smiles at me and Alessio looks at my new guard, "Voglio che quel divano esca dalla mia stanza prima di stasera." [I want that couch out of my room before tonight] He says and I look at them both before opening the cabinet and grabbing a glass for some water before going to the gym. I need any excuse to get out of this house.

"How's your leg?" Antonio asks me in English and I don't face him as I fill up some cool water from the fridge before speaking, "good." I reply monotonously before politely declining the breakfast Bianca offers me as I drink the glass of water.

"Where are you going?" Alessio asks me as I wash the glass so Bianca doesn't need to and I dry it before putting it back where I got it from as I turn around to look at him. "Gym, also I need a phone." I tell him and he scoffs as he continues eating his breakfast.

Match Made In Hell || ongoingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora