Chapter 28~ Spared

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lowkey edited

hey pooksters wsp

make sure to drop hella comments and ill post again soon! i work this weekend but i start later tmr and if there's a lot of comments and votes throughout this chapter ill probably post before going to work!

so make sure to comment and vote yall and have a good read 😉😉

Valencia Morana

We walk through the hallway and it's concerning how silent the whole house is. Harrison and I make eye contact as we carefully and quietly make our way down a hall that should lead to the basement.

But before I could go further down the hall I hear a faint voice coming from somewhere else, Harrison tells me he will go down the stairs and I go walking towards the voice.

I hold the rifle close to myself as I try toning the ringing out of my ears to hear the voice better and once I'm finally close enough to hear and recognize the voice I can't help but go wide eyed.

How the hell did Wyatt survive the explosion of the old house, I hide behind some pillar before peaking over to see a army of guards all standing in the living room behind Wyatt, my hand covers my mouth and I regret letting Harry go downstairs and now have no one else with me when I see Wyatt holding Ryder in his arms with a gun pointed to his head.

I then see Amara, Grant and Ajax kneeling on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs as they do everything Wyatt says to keep Ryder safe. They keep calling me off Amara's phone but it goes to voicemail every time as my phone was destroyed in the car wreck.

My eyes slam shut and I curse under my breath when i feel a gun pushing against the back of my head before I put my hands up and slowly turn around, now what, I could have attacked with the element of surprise but now we're fucking screwed.

He went to speak but before he could a hand covered his mouth from behind and it took me less than a second to recognize the tattoo on the hand, my eyes snapped to above the guards head and locked with a pair of hazel ones.

His hands then swiftly fall to the top and bottom of the man's head before he pulls his hands in opposite directions and snaps the guard's neck, lightly letting him fall to the ground.

I bite down on my tongue when Alessio stumbles over his steps and I quickly let the gun strapped to my body go and I grab his arm with one hand and wrap my arm around his torso with the other before leaning against the pillar behind me.

He's hurt, badly.

I feel his hand rest on my hip before he places the other hand beside my head on the pillar to hold himself up as I look up at him and he leans down resting his forehead against the pillar.

"I killed all the men upstairs, downstairs and surrounding them. The only ones left are the ones in the room with them." He whispers and I nod before making sure he doesn't pass out when I feel his body stumble against mine.

"You need to leave," I go up onto my toes to whisper in his ear and he shakes his head before pulling away and standing up as straight as he can, my eyes fall to his left bicep that has a bullet pierced through it before locking eyes with him.

"You're too weak to take them alone," he mutters and grabs the gun from the dead guard before shutting his eyes for a second and holding his bicep with his hand to stop the bleeding for a few seconds.

My jaw locks before I grab the bottom of my shirt tightly in my hands and tear a good chunk of it off, his eyes fall to my hands and his brows furrowed in confusion before I take a step towards him and go up on my toes once again so i can wrap the cloth around his bicep tightly.

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