Chapter 11~ Helpless

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Hey hoes, so there was like a snow day tdy cause it was snowing sm this morning n las night so I wrote tdy. I may or may not post another chapter soon Idk yet but I'll defo try to.

But make sure to comment and vote for that next chapter and have a good read!

But make sure to comment and vote for that next chapter and have a good read!

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Velencia Kade

I sit here on the chair in my mother's office for almost 40 minutes after Alessio leaves with my fucking hand in marriage and I can do nothing about it. I didn't take the time to properly read the contract because of the picture of my family's house being surrounded by armed men read]y to shoot on command but I did see a few words about my place as the queen of the American mafia. It stated that if I am 'unfaithful' in any way that he would have permission to take over, destroying the very thing I've been working towards for nearly five years now.

My hands fist and I stare at the wall in front of me, not being able to get up because I think that if I do I might actually have my mother's blood on my hands. How dare she? How fucking dare she do this to me, after all she's done to me she is working to try and prevent me from winning because she knows if I do win one day that she will fucking die the worst death she's ever heard of.

'Not even god can save you, but you can save them,' he said to me. Referring to me being able to save my family by signing myself to him. I couldn't do anything, we have no guards stationed at the safe house because of them all being my mother's men, except for Harry. I can't even do anything to protect them because of this old hag, she turned my own mafia against me.

I wish dad was here, I wish that I could see the day dad kicked her unworthy ass out of our home and lives. We had to leave the house we grew up in for the sole reason of my mother being too risky to be around. I can't even kill her, if I kill her her mafia kills me and it isn't even my death that scares me, it's the death of my sister, the little kid who has done nothing to deserve all this and my only friend who plays the role of my brother, the man who has spent his life keeping my sister and I safe dying and being a second father to us after dad died. Their deaths because of my anger scare me.

I can't let them die because I was too reckless. Ry is too little, he has a whole life to live and learn to love. My sister has to find the love of her life, after the crushing pain she has been through over the years I need to see my sister happy with a man who deserves her. Ajax, I want there to be a day where he has his own kids, a day where he finally gets out of his little bubble and find someone who loves him for who he is and I fucking need Harry to see it all, I need him to see how happy he has helped make us and if me marrying Alessio just so I can kill him is what it takes then so be it.

I will do anything for the happiness of my family.

My thoughts are cut off when the door swings open and I see her, the woman who has single handedly ruined my life. "Don't take it personally, darling." She says warmly, calling me what she called me before she became a raging power seaking bitch. God, I wish I could have the sweet woman she was before it all got to her head back.

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