Chapter 12~ Catch up

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Heyy, so I've been pretty good at posting this book ngl so yeah. Leave a bunch of comments on this chapter and have a good read hoes

 Leave a bunch of comments on this chapter and have a good read hoes

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Velencia Kade

Three days. Three days until my life becomes more of a living hell then it already is.

My eyes fall to Ajax, Amara, Ry and Harry all sitting around the table eating dinner with smiles on their faces as Ry tells us about what is happening in the paw patrol episode he is watching. He has been getting better but he still has a small wince every time he coughs or sneezes or even when he inhales too fast because pumping the food made his lungs weaker.

Everyone is happy right now because I haven't told them about my involuntary deal with the devil. I came home an hour or two ago and showered as soon as I got here. They hadn't known about the men who Alessio had stationed outside and it makes me glad. I'm happy Ry didn't see that. Not at this age and not in this condition.

But the truth is, I don't know how to tell them and I'm running out of time to break the news.

I sigh slowly as I continue eating and listening to Ry's story. I'll tell them when we're done eating and when Ry goes back to watching his paw patrol.

"Anyways," he smiles as he takes a small sip of his water before looking at me and sending me a grin, his dimples popping as he grins at me. "How was your day Vee?" He asks and I freeze. Everyone's eyes fell on me awaiting my answer.

Well Ry, I got forced to marry the guy I need to kill to keep you all safe, and to make it even better we're getting married in three days. Shut up consy.

"Boring, I didn't do much." I shrug and he copies my action before Amara meets eyes with me and narrows them, somehow knowing I'm lying and I look away before my twin can read my goddamn mind like she always does. I don't know how, but whenever something is wrong with either of us we just know, it's weird and I don't know how to explain it. Must be a twin thing.

"Vee, you're hurt," Ry jumps off his chair after staring at my cheekbone for too long and noticing the small redness and I raise an eyebrow as he grabs his chair and pulls it towards me until it sits right beside my chair and he gets back on. "What happened?" He hugs my arm and my heart melts at this kid's kind heart. I drop my fork before pushing my chair back the slightest bit to pull him into my lap.

He lets out a cough and winces the second after and I feel the hate for my soon to be husband grow for doing this to him, I don't care how much he denies it but it won't change the truth there is no one else who could've done this.

I quickly grab my water and hand it to Ry as he wraps his arms around his stomach and leans into my arms, "you're okay little dude." I place a small kiss on his forehead before looking at my sister who looks like she is ready to murder someone for the pain they've caused her baby.

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