The truth

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Lily POV

"I-it's s-so c-c-cold. And why is it s-so dark. I say shivering.

"Hi there." a little girl said.

"Aah. you scared me little girl. what's your name?"

"my name is lily." Nice to meet you.little lily said.

"Really mine is too. so what are you doing here all by yourself?. I ask.

"Oh I get bullied a lot so I come here to try and clear my mind." she said sadly.

"Oh I used to get bullied a lot too." I say.

"By 3 girls named Lillica, yuka, and kana." she said with a smile.

"H-how did you know that!" I say shocked.

"Oh you don't remember me lily. I'm mini you as a child." She said with a creepy smile. "do you know where you are now.?" she asks. "n-no." I say still strembling. "you are in the crossworld." she said with a wide smile.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Hehehe. hehehe. hahaha!" she laughs creepily. "lily kasukasaki!" she points at me. "you are in the crossworld between heaven and hell!!!" she yells while laughing. "y-you mean." I say trembling and falling to the ground.

"That's right lily. your injuries were so severe that you died. no one came to help you and no one came to visit you at the state your at now. she said evilly.

"I-I died." I asked.

"Yes you did lily everyone forgot about you and now your dead." forget them forget how mean they've been to you and how cruel they were to you.


Yes forget and come relax on this nice bed and forget."

I walk towards the bed and lay on it.


Mini lily POV.

Lily's eyes turned a dark gray color and she started to sink into the underworld.

"Now I'll have a friend to play with forever and ever."

"But your not lonely mini." A little boy said.

"No it can't be." I say shocked.

"Mini why are you doing this to lily." The little boy said.

"Shut up kouta k.!"

"But why lily hasn't been declared dead yet and yet you still try to take her with you." he said.

"Because I'm lonely!" I yell.

"No. you have me. now let lily go and let fate decide. if you keep this up your sure to get introuble again. He said.

i stood there shocked for a moment but then let lily go.

Lily POV

I get up.

"What happened? my head hurts.*gasp* that's right I remember now. I'm dead? but I don't want to die!" I yell and run away.

I find 3 doors. "Which one I can't decide!"

I feel someone grab my waist and try to pull me back.

"Lily your not getting away. your gonna be here forever." Mini lily said creepily.

"Mini stop!" kouta k. yelled.

"My name isn't mini it's LILY!" She yells.

Kouta k. grabbed lily and pulled her off me and then he kissed her on the lips.

I blushed madly. Lily soon calmed down and blushed the same shade of red. He parted and said to me. "take the left one."

I didn't know if I should trust him or not but I did and found myself back in reality.

Beep, beep, beep.

"Good job everyone she's breathing. now all she needs is rest. dismissed." A person said.

"Ok!" Lots of people said.

"Im in the hospital? That's right I remember now." everything got fuzzy and I passed out.

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