Lily kasukasaki, Description.

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Your name- Lily kasukasaki

Nick names can be- lil, kasu, kasuka, and saki.

Your hair- long Dark purple curly hair, sometimes in a side ponytail with a red bow(to match skirt),with front bangs

Eye color- dark purple.(little bit lighter than her hair though.)

Height 5 foot 2

Chest size- C cup.

Favorite color- green and a faded blue like kouta's hair.

Favorite style of clothing- long and short skirts with any type of good looking shirts. Jeans tank tops, regular shirts, sometimes just casual.

Fav subject- English,History,Math

Dislikes- science, being embarrassed, not perfect hair and pushy people.

Fear- the dark.

Why?- when lily was little, she didn't have that much friends (hideyoshi was one of lily's friends.)and was constantly made fun of. one day after school she was helping a teacher. once she was done her bullies waited for her down the hall. lily tried to run the other way but they were there too, so she ended up being dragged into a very dark classroom by her hair and got called mean names and got beaten up.

The beating was so bad she had to go to the hospital. when she was finally better she would have constant nightmares of what happened. thus she is afraid of the dark.

Average test score- 1,367-1,500

Avatar description- hair out, with a green kimono with a light purple bow around it. carries and fights with twin blades and back up daggers, advantages- agility and dodging.

Likes- to sing, cook, get good grades, sweets, perfect hair, and swimming.

Personality- very shy and quiet but once you get to know her she's really considerate and caring. Often cry's when she gets embarrassed. a very very nice person.

Love interest- kouta tsuchiya.

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