Lunch time fun.

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Lily POV.

Finally my worst subject is over. science, and it's finally lunch time. I grab my bag and start walking towards class F.

"Why are all these people starring at me? I'm starting to feel uncomfortable." I say I'm my head but then I finally made it to class F. I opened the door and walked in. " hi everyone." I say enthusiastically. "Hi lily." everyone said back. I say at the cardboard box that seemed like no one sat at and brought out my lunch.

"So lily what did you have for lunch?"all the guys asked me.

"I made curry but clearly too much. I heated it up before I got here. um I also have fried shrimp, an omelette, onigiri, spicy tuna rolls and some other delicious stuff too, but I don't think I'm gonna eat this all. do you guys want some?" I asked.

They seem all to shocked at what I made for lunch. I just smiled. "heck yea!" hideyoshi said. "lily is like the best cook I ever known." He said while taking some curry and some veggies and other stuff.

"Aww thanks hideyoshi." I said while flattered.

Then the other boys tired some. I watched them as they took there first bite. "wow I think I'm in heaven." aki said. "yea best food ever." yuuji said. " it's so good!" kouta said. I was crimson at the thought that kouta liked my food. "thanks guys!. I said "hey himeji,minami want some?" I asked.

"Sure." they said in unison. "omg this is so good." minami said with a twinke in her eye. "it's so good! Lily I'm jealous you have to teach me lily." Himeji said. "yea me too." said minami.

(The guys thoughts)

Akihisa- if lily taught himeji to cook like this I won't have to suffer anymore!

Hideyoshi- it would be amazing if lily taught himeji how to cook.

Kouta- please please please lily! teach himeji how to cook!

Yuuji- lily I'm begging you. Please teach her!

(Back to story)

I ate some too and was surprised at the result that I've out done myself this time.

Himeji POV

"Hey everyone want some of my lunch too?"

"Sure."me and minami said. we took a bite and froze for 5 seconds. "well what do you think?" Himeji asked eagerly. "it's good!" we both said again.

"Thanks I'm flattered. Aki, yuuji, hideyoshi, kouta it's your turn." Himeji sang. each of the boys took a piece of her "unappealing food" and ate it. I stared at each one of them as they passed out on the floor.

"I feel the same way guys." I said in my head.

Intercom- would himeji please come to the office, hemeiji. iron man said. " I'll be right back guys ok?" "Ok." me and minami said.

Lily POV

"Minami did you bring any lunch today?" I ask.

"No I forgot my lunch today, and I worked so hard on it too." She said disappointed. "Oh well are you still hungry?" I asked. "Yes actually I am." she said. "good cause I also made sweets." I said sweetly.

" Oh so that's what the third box was." she said. "yea." I said. "I'll be right back I'm going to go to the bathroom ok?" she said. "alright." I said.

"L-lily." Kouta said. I blush and look down towards the practically dying from food poisoning boys. "y-yes?" I asked passionately. "h-help me p-please!" he asked me. "I will do anything for you!" I said exactly knowing what to do. I took one of my delicious mini cake and feed it to kouta. "Mm thanks lily you saved me." he said fully revived. I did the same with hideyoshi, yuuji,and aki and they were way healthier than before. "Thanks lily your a lifesaver!" all of them said. I just smiled and said "who wants more sweets?" Minami and himeji just walked in and all if them said "we do!" I took a piece if mini cake and are it. "better hurry then." I said with a devilishly smile.

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