Festivals, revenge, and pervy festivities

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At the entrance~

"AKI!!" Himeji and minami yelled, hugging him tightly.

"Oh hey guys what's up, cute kimono's by the way."

Aki said. "You really are an idiot aren't you aki? these are yukata's not kimono's. minami said.

"Yuuji." Shoko said. "do you like my yukata?" She asked. Y-yea it looks g-good on you. yuuji said afraid and sweat dropping. I also sweat dropped. I felt scared for him.

"Lily you look really nice in your yukata." hideyoshi said. "Thank you hideyoshi." I did the most animated one eye closed,peace sign over right eye, left foot in air smile pose. kouta took a lot of pictures of that funny pose. I slightly blushed of emberassment and smiled. "Come one everyone let's go have some fun!" I said excitedly. qnd we were off.


"Aki look I caught a fish!" Minami said.

"Oh that's good for you." Aki said bluntly. thus lead an irritated minami and she ended up practically breaking his back.

"M-minami, killing akihisa won't solve anything." I sweat dropped.

All I could hear was the sound of kouta's camera because he kept taking pictures of all if us.


A yukata beauty contest tonight.

"Hey look, a beauty contest. I think we should join." minami said.

"Yea I agree we should all join." himeji said.

"Yea that's a great idea aki said."

"Yes let's ALL join." shoko, himeji,and minami creepily.

"Run!" yuuji yelled. but it was too late shoko tied yuuji up and minami jumped on aki's back. hideyoshi just stood there and kouta was backing away little by little until I dragged him back to where the others were.

"Why are you doing this?!" yuuji and aki asked.

"Oh you guys don't remember Wednesday?! The girls asked (lily wasn't there Wednesday her first day was Friday)

Flashback Wednesday~

"You are really pretty. do you work out cause your figure is awesome."yuuji said.

"You look stunning, like really awesome and cute." Aki said.

Girls surround kouta and ask way too much questions.

End- lily POV

~The results of the boys' make over~

"Aww aki you look so cute in your yukata I say.

"I hate you." he said bluntly. "wahh your so mean akihisa. I said while fake crying.

Next who came out the van was yuuji.

"You look very pretty yuuji. your make-up is perfect." I say fascinated. "thanks he said back.

After was Hideyoshi. " I'm not that surprised hideyoshi. cause you always look good." I said with a smile.

"Thanks lily, I'm flattered." he said slightly flustered.

Last was kouta. when he walked out. I was blushed so much I was glowing and until I couldn't take it any more and fainted. while I was down I felt dizzy and started to mumble " y-you look great kouta, that look suits you well.

Himeji was fanning me for a few minutes until I felt better and we went to the competition.

First up was aki. Some how I just know he's gonna screw up.

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