Chapter 20 : Yer a demigod!

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The knock on the door came only minutes after I shadow traveled with Miss O'Leary back to my apartment. I had just sent Miss O'Leary back to camp when the sound of fist on wood echoed through my home. A twinge of nervousness made me freeze, had the Avengers tracked me down? But I shook off the notion, it had only been eight minutes since I left, and I was no major threat in the first place. It was probably just my neighbor Mrs. Crowley asking if I had seen her dog. 

That woman needs to learn to close her front door.

"Coming!" I yelled to the visitor in the hall as I shoved a sword I had left on top of the dresser under the couch. I gave the room a quick survey, checking that nothing visible would cause a call to the police before opening the door. It was not my neighbor who was at the door.

"Uhh, hi?" Peter greeted, giving me an awkward smile. His hands were shoved into a gray hoodie and he was clad in long pants despite the warm weather. A flash of red was present under sleeve as he lifted it to wave nervously. "This is really weird, and I apologize if this is completely mad, but some guy claims the Greek gods are real and he told me to come here."

Peter shuffled his feet nervously as I stared at him, momentarily stunned. Then a laugh burbled out of me.

"Not crazy at all, actually, that makes a lot of sense. I thought you were- never mind." I stepped to the side, opening the door wider. "Come on in man, I know this is really confusing but you get used to it."

Peter hesitated for a moment, casting a glance over his shoulder before following me inside. I guided him over to a couch, sitting down next to him.

"Let me guess, either both or one of your parents have died out of the blue?" Peter looked at me in surprise but nodded.

Everything made sense now, why he would disappear during the tutoring sessions with no explanation, and how he did 10 pull-ups in gym class while talking to a friend before starting to act tired. I asked another question, already knowing the answer.

"Can you do things that other people can't, has something unexplainable ever happened to you?" As I spoke I could see Peter going on the defensive. He shot up out of his chair backing into a corner of the room.

"How do you know?"

"I know it seems strange, but this is normal for people like us." I explained putting my hands up and what I hoped was a placating gesture. Peter just gave me a confused look, not moving from his place across the room, but he wasn't running away in terror so I continued. "There's a place you can go where you don't have to be constantly looking over your shoulder. It's safe there I promise."

Peter seemed to relax a little, and I let out a sigh of relief. I had other demigods and satyrs send me half bloods for me to guide to Camp Half-Blood before. One or two had sprinted out the door while I explained more about what it meant to be a demigod.

"The guy who showed me here wanted to see you," Peter started almost nervously, "I thought it might be a good idea to make sure you were OK with it first. He's, uh, a little odd."

A grin broke out on my face and I gave Peter a nod.

"Does he happen to be a brown haired fellow, wearing pants, walking with a limp, and has a laugh like a goat?" I asked Peter. He gave me a surprise look in turn.

"Yeah. Actually, I'm not sure about the laugh part."

"Bring him in." I said, another piece of the Peter Parker mysteries falling into place. It's surprising that he made it this long without a satyr finding him, but one must've found him while on another mission. It was not an odd occurrence for this to happen, Paul had even exchanged our worn leather couch for a pull out one so a demigod can have a place to spend the night. What was uncommon, was knowing the demigod that showed up at my doorstep.

"I'll show you the Camp Half-blood orientation video when you get back." I called after Peter as he headed to the door. He hesitated then turned back to me.

"What's Camp Half-blood?"

"It's a safe place for people like us, you don't have to worry about being different there. Plus there's some great food."

"What are," Peter hesitated for a second as if considering his wording. "We?"

I frowned, surprised that the satyr hadn't told him already. Most satyrs sent on missions had to go through a mandatory training program, which included a course on how to tell newbies they were demigods without causing a panic attack. Usually I just gave kids a place to stay for a night, and a way to camp.

Let's see how this goes.

"Yer a demigod, Peter!" I exclaimed in my most Hagrid accent, then seeing his look of confusion tried putting on a comforting smile. "One of your parents was a god, the other one was human. You are a demigod. Also known as a Half-blood."

Peters look of confusion changed then, turning into one slight fear.

"So if you're a demigod, what does that mean?" Peter asked, fidgeting with his hands.

"My dad's Poseidon, one of the big three, meaning I can breathe underwater, talk to fish, that stuff." I had hoped my answer would calm Peter, but if anything it made him more fidgety.

"I'm gonna go get,uh, the guy who brought me here." He said, already moving to the door

"OK." I called back and sat down to wait.

Five minutes later a knock comes on my door. I rushed to answer it, the orientation video ready on the TV, but when I opened the door Peter was nowhere in sight.

"Perseus!" The man at the door exclaimed, walking right past me and into the room. "You won't believe what Zeus did to me." I gave one last glance around the hallway before closing the door and turning to the man now sprawled on my couch.

"Where did Peter go?" I asked, reminding myself to ask who this guy was later.

"Who is Peter?"

"What do you mean 'who's Peter'," I questioned, already annoyed with the mere presence of the man. "You showed him here."

"Oh, him. He was only sent to walk me here after my servant had to leave." The man waved an arm though the air as if dismissing him. "He said he had to do something and left."

I bolted to the window just in time to catch a glimpse of Peter speed walking away from the building, typing something into his phone feverishly.

I let out a sigh, so much for not scaring him away.

I love to hear any feedback you guys have! Hope it made you smile!

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