Chapter 4 : HYDRA and hydras

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this chapter is a shorter than the other, the next one will be longer. 

my friend who wrote part of the other chapter also wrote most of this one. 


Percy's POV

I was beginning to feel dizzy. This is NOT good. I thought, frantically searching for medicine of any type. I started to look in the bathroom, when he realized: The bathroom! Water can heal me! I'm such an idiot! I hobbled into the bathtub, and quickly turned the water on. I wasn't dumb enough to hop right out, after soaking for a few minutes. This wound needed time. While I sat there, my wet clothes clinging to my body, I remembered the first time I figured out that water was my friend.

I still remember Annabeth telling me to guard the creek, she looked at me with those eyes of hers, as if she was calculating the probability of me succeeding. Then when I fell into the creek, hurt and bleeding, the sudden burst of energy, and the light glowing over my head like a beacon. Claiming me as the son of Poseidon.

That feeling of acceptance and belonging made me feel like, well, like I was more than the weird dyslexic kid who messed everything up. Honestly, I still feel like the weird dyslexic kid who messes everything up. But I have a new stepdad now, and a really awesome girlfriend and-

"Estelle! Honey, stop getting applesauce on my laptop!" My mom's voice cut from across the hall. "Percy, can you play with Estelle? Keep her busy?"

"Sure!" I called back. When I stepped out of the bathtub the gouge in my side was gone, and I felt no pain when I walked.

I walked into the living room and called Estelle over, I had just settled her on the couch when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and put my eye to the peephole, looking through to the other side. There stood Annabeth bloodied and bruised, she was swaying on her feet and looked like she might collapse at any moment. I quickly unlock the deadbolt and swing the door open just in time to catch her.

I set her on the couch and gave her some ambrosia that I found in one of her pockets . She woke up about an hour later. I stepped into the living room only to hear the sound of somebody tossing and turning and seeing Annabeth in the midst of a nightmare. I rushed over to the couch and shook her awake. She blinked up at me with bleary eyes.

"Seaweed brain?" Annabeth said as if she almost believed that I was a figment of her imagination.

"Hey Wise Girl. " I responded softly, "What happened, you collapsed on my doorstep."

Annabeth responded by sighing and running a hand down her face. "a hydra happened."  

When I was writing this I spelled collapsed wrong and the computer wanted me to  change it to crapped. I laughed my head off for ten minutes straight.

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