Chapter 13: Percy Jackson!

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Hi everyone, I am so sorry I haven't posted in forever. I had writers block, and then I started a new fanfic, that you should read, it is a Arrow and Marvel crossover and I am really proud of what I have written of it.  

This was going to be a crazy long chapter, like longer than the last two combined, so I spilt it in half. On a side note I love writing Ned. 

Peter's POV

I stumbled through the mass of high schoolers walking against the tide that was pushing towards the doors leading out of school. As I walked to the science classroom that held my tutoring sessions with Percy, I scrolled through my phone looking at the notifications that I had missed while I was in school. There were a couple spam texts, including one about pesticides to keep bugs away. I chuckled at that one, a couple texts from Ned telling me to check the news, and a text from Tony reading...


Meet at the Tower, kid, come as soon as you get out of school. It's important.

And below that was a notification from my news app, the headline read

"Hero or not, can Iron Man be trusted"

Click here to find the inside scoop of the murder of 47 year old Jeremy Vincent.

I clicked on the article opening up a page detailing how Iron Man supposedly murdered an innocent victim of a fire. Below the article there was a message board in which people were using to send hateful comments. There were some people who were defending Mr. Stark, but their comments were few and far between, serving only to infuriate the other commenters. I was ready to pull out my notebook and give the haters my five page essay on why Mr.Stark was the best human being to grace this planet, but my mind was brought back to the message he had sent me.

He wanted me to do something, not sit on my butt and send hateful messages.

I switched back to my texting app and typed a quick reply in response...


Be right there!

I started to the doors, ready to swing to the tower, when a thought hit me.

I am supposed to be tutoring Percy right now.

I weighed my options, on one hand if I got expelled I could probably skip a couple grades anyways but I would be separated from Ned and MJ. On the other hand, if Mr. Stark needed me, it might be the fate of the world at stake.

Why else would he kill somebody that just escaped from a fire.

At least that's what I told myself as I pulled out my phone and dialed Ned's number.

Ned picked up on the second ring, exploding into an avalanche of words.

"Dude, did you hear the news? People are saying that Iron Man is turning evil! But I was like 'noooooo' Mr. Starks' good right? Wait, did he give you, like, top secret information, was that guy he killed an alien, cause that would make so much sense. Wait, never mind. You can't tell me if it is top secret."

"Actually, I called to talk to you about that." I replied, interrupting Ned's ramble.

"Mr. Stark killed an alien and it is top secret information! I promise I won't say a word" I could imagine Ned mimed zipping his lips and I let out a short breath of laughter, leave it up to Ned to make me laugh at a time like this.

"No, Mr. Stark asked me to have a meeting with him, like right now. And I was wondering if you could help with something."

"Of course, anything! Does Mr. Stark want me to hack a bad guy's phone or something, because I can totally do that. I mean I've never tried it, but it can't be that hard right? I have seen people do it in movies all the time." Ned went off again, and in the back of my mind I wondered if he had drank caffeine again.

"I kinda need you to tutor a student for me."

 "I'll try, who's the student?"

"Percy Jackson" There was a beat of silence and I called into the phone, wondering if Ned had dropped it.

"Are you serious!" Ned's voice screeched through the device and Peter winced from the static screech that echoed from his old phone.

"It's not a big deal-"

"Not a big deal, Peter, he became the popular kid in three days! Three days!" I could hear Ned shuffling feet as he paced back and forth on the other side of the phone. "I've been in this district for 7 years and I am pretty sure only twelve kids know I exist. Percy walks in and is the most well known kid in school in three day!"

"He's not a jerk like some other kids, Ned, he's actually a funny guy." I tried, hoping to reassure Ned.

"That's beside the point, have you even heard the rumors about him, they say he has fish scales! He always wears long sleeves and he beat three swim records in a week, and when he emerged from the pool they said he wasn't even breathing hard!" This time Ned was whispering, as if afraid someone was going to hear him.

"That's crazy, Ned. Besides, I always wear long sleeves."

"Nobody pays attention to you, anyway you cover your arms because your spiderman." I let out a sigh, thanks for the support. "The point is that I can't tutor Percy Jackson."

"Come on man, I'll get expelled if someone doesn't tutor him," I felt my panic grow and took my last resort. "Spider-Man will tell everyone you're his best friend."

"Can you flip in through the lunchroom window and crawl on the wall over. Wait no,that would be creepy. Do more of like a stroll down the wall-"

"Does this mean you'll do it?" I interrupted, already walking to an alley where I could change into my suit.

A sigh came from the other end of the phone line and finally Ned's voice came through.

"Where do I meet?"

Check out my other story!

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