Chapter 18: The Bagel

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Yesterday was the first year Anniversary of this story! When I started writing this it was for giggles  and I never thought it would go anywhere. Look at it now!  27k reads, and almost 750 likes! Ahhhhh, thank you guys so much! I really am happy to finally share this chapter with you. Hope it made you laugh! 

Percy's POV

10 minutes earlier.

My feet hit the ground hard as a dismounted off Blackjack. I checked my watch, 9:45, perfect. So far I couldn't believe my luck, everything has gone exactly to the plan. Ride Blackjack to the roof of the tower at 10 o'clock. The perfect time, as all the Avengers would probably be doing out and about at that time, and once I finished I would still have time to enjoy my day. Currently the plan was going great, granted that was all I had of a plan, but so far everything had got according to it.

"Do you want me to stay, Boss?" Blackjack neighed, but as he did so I saw him glance anxiously to the side. "I said I would meet some Pegasus buddies for donuts, but I can stay." I shook my head, shooing Blackjack away.

"Nah, go hang out with your friends. I'll be fine."

" OK, if you say so Boss, but whistle and I will be there." Blackjack gave me a neigh of goodbye before taking to the skies. I realized then that I should've made sure there was a door off the roof before I sent him off.

Turning in a full circle I gave my surroundings a one over, relief washing through me as I noticed the door that seems to lead off the roof. I walked over towards it, and the relief that came in seeing it quickly dissipated as a clearly high-tech lock came into view. I tried to handle nonetheless, but as I expected the door didn't budge.

Time for brute force I guess. I thought as I backed up twenty paces, taking a deep breath in as I sprinted toward the door at full speed, putting all my training and godly blood into the single blow. Pain exploded from my shoulder as I collided with the door, but instead of crashing through as I had done with so many doors before I simply bounced off. Upon inspection of the door, I found not a dent in the unmarred surface of the metal. It was clear I wasn't going to get to the door by force. I looked at the lock once more.

No harm in trying. I thought, as I studied the lock. It seemed to work by fingerprint recognition, based on the glowing thumbprint in the middle of the screen. I pressed my thumb to the screen, and as expected the screen flash red, but instead of saying unauthorized print, it said error try again. Huh. I put my thumb once more on the lock, and stepped back in surprise as the screen started to flicker. It started to glitch, shifting through turning blank and error screens. I was ready to turn tail and run, bracing myself for an explosion, but as I covered my head with my arms all I heard was a small click.

I turn back to the door to find the lock glowing green, letters written across it. I guess technology breaking when you're around did have its pluses. I squinted at the words, my dyslexia making it hard to read them. It looks like the words said, Welcome in Point Break, but that couldn't be right. Oh well, as long as the door wasn't locked.

Opening the door I strolled in, now where would I find Tony Stark?


Seven minutes later I am lost. All the halls look the same, white, clean, bright. I found an elevator at some point, but decided to find the stairs instead. I was walking past a room that seemed to be a hospital room when an alarm started blaring. Red light on the side of the hall started flashing, and to my surprise a female voice came from the wall.

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