Chapter 12: A Miserable Meeting

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Hi everyone, I cannot believe I have written this much, when I started this I thought I would be three pages long like all of my other fanfics, but now I am to 34 pages on a google doc! This chapter is dedicated to my sibling, who keeps asking me to write more and tie in more characters. They made the paper above about what is happening in the story and what is (hopefully) going to happen. 


Before you read this chapter there is something I need to tell you. When I wrote the first 4 chapters of  this I had not watched any of the Marvel movies, I had read fanfics like this one and decided to write one with the avengers. But now I am a huge Marvel fan and have watched all the movies (expect the first two Thor ones) and have a huge obsession with marvel. This was one of the reasons why my writing of Tony was so bad, I hope I am better now and will stop babbling and move onto the story.

Tony's POV

I typed frantically on my holographic keyboard, trying to find the slightest information about Percy Jackson. Other than his file there was barely anything. A couple detentions and a few expulsiotions from schools he has gone to, but the information that really mattered wasn't there. Some things about his file were intriguing though, there were multiple mentions of a summer camp that Percy went to every year, but the summer camp seemed to inhabit the same place as a strawberry farm called Delphi strawberries. When I checked the farm's website, which looked like it had been made by twelve year-olds that had never touched a computer in their life, it gave no mention of a summer camp taking place there.

I opened up a new tab to try and find out more about this strawberry farm when Jarvis interrupted me.

"The Avengers are requesting your presence in the common room, sir."

"Tell them that I am busy," I gripped back,

" I don't think that wouldn't be wise."

I considered going back to my work, but the A.I had always been right in the past and I decided it would be foolish to ignore the warning. So I heaved a sigh and waved my hand through the projected images, dismissing them until I came back, and started my walk to the common room.

Halfway through the walk I made a mental note to install converbelts into the floors like the ones they had in airports. Who had decided to make the tower so darnbig! To move from my lab on the bottom floor, to the common room at the top, I had to take either one of the two selevator up. And since the elevator closest to me was broken, something about Hulk pushing the buttons too hard, I had to walk all the way to the other side of the building. From there I had to push through hordes of employees, reporters and paparazzi before I was finally able to reach the elevator that took me to the 87th floor. When I stepped out the rest of the team was already there, conversing in hushed tones. 

"Well don't all greet me at once," I said, cutting through their conversation. The group turned towards me, falling silent. Clint and Natasha glared at me from where they stood in the corner, Thor was nowhere to be seen, and Bruce was slouched in an armchair looking nervously between me and Capsicle. Then there was Steve, he wore a look of such disappointment that I wanted to slap it off his Mr. Perfect face.

"What were you thinking Tony," Steve said, words slicing through the tense silence.

"What, did Jarvis burn your toast this morning," I said feigning innocence. In response Steve grabbed a nearby remote and turned the TV on. On the TV was a red-haired news reporter who seemed to be sharing the same stories that I had watched yesterday.

"Just yesterday Earth's famous hero Iron Man murder a innocent and injured man-"

"What were you thinking," Steve repeated again, muting the TV. "You killed a man in front of the press with no explanation whatsoever. You just stormed up to an injured man that had just been pulled from a fire and killed him."

I opened my mouth to give back a snarky response but stopped abruptly as I saw what was on the television. There on the TV was a picture of my dad floating in the corner as the news reporter jabbered on.

"Jarvis, unmute audio"

Steve opened his mouth to argue but froze when he heard what the reporter was saying.

"We have gotten information from a trusted source that Howard Stark, father of Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, was also a murderer. Sources claim that Mr. Stark was confronted by government agents and murdered them. He was able to cover it up until today. Stay tuned for more news."

The world started to spin and colors danced before my eyes. I reached out with a shaking hand trying to feel for something to stabilize me but found only empty air. In the corner of my eye I saw Clint and Natasha give each other a surprised look. 

"Your heart rates are higher than normal, sir, I suggest you calm down." A voice came from the wall, it sounded muffled and far away.

All those times he had yelled at me for stealing a car or shoplifting, when he had murdered someone.

"Tony, are you okay?" This time the voice sounded less muffled and I could make it out as Bruce's.

"I just found out Daddy Dearest murdered someone, I'm just peachy." I responded, slowly making my way to my feet.

"Tony," Natasha sighed, reaching out a hand.

"Leave me alone." I stormed out of the room, shutting myself in my lab.

Fury's POV

I paced back and forth in my office on the 38 floor of a S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. The headquarters were located on the south east side of New York. Only the top agents knew about it, in fact it had been built only after the Avengers initiative to keep an eye on the recruits. Expectually Stark.

How had some low-life reporter gotten their hands on Shield level 10 information. I thought as agent Hill walked into the room.

"Sir, what would you like me to do about the Stark situation." She said, hands folded respectfully in front of her.

"Call in Barton, and Romanoff."

Natasha and Clint strode into my office, faces grim and gave me nodded greetings as I turned around in my chair.

"Are you aware of the situation?" They both nodded and I continued. "How has Stark reacted to the news?"

"As expected," Natasha responded, straight to the point. "He won't be of any help for the next couple days, but the rest of the Avengers can handle it."

" Agent Romanoff, find out where the news got their source. Barton wipe all informantion of the murder from the news footages and find out what the reporters know."

It would be impossible to erase the intell that had already been released to the public, but i would go to any length to not let the public know anymore.

"You have permission to go to any measures necessary to make sure nobody finds out more than they should know. Dispose of anyone who knows too much."

The agents nodded and turned to walk out the door, but I spoke up before they left.

"Wait, above all else, make sure Tony does not find out what his father was working on."

Yay! I finally got to the plot, what do you think!

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