Chapter 2 : Super Mcshizzle Bad Boy Supreme

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Tony's POV

I stared down at my phone, eyes flicking again and again over the messages that Perry sent me. Who is this kid? How come the kid needed stitches and why was he so chill about it. I sighed and stared down at my phone. There was one way to find out who this kid was.

"Jarvis, make sure nobody disturbs me. I have some hacking to do."

Time skip brought to you by Persassy

"Crap!" I said slamming my phone down on the table. This kid was a genius! I had been working thirty minutes straight only to have an automated voice message announce,

"You have been out-hacked by Super Mcshizzle Bad Boy Supreme."

Then all of my progress disappeared and the song 'Standing in the Hall of Fame' started playing. but instead of the words being standing in the hall of fame, the words were standing in the hall of shame. Not only that, whenever the original song said you could do something, this version of the song changed all the can's to can't . I considered trying to start again but I had a feeling that the same thing would happen, so I did the only other thing I could do, I picked up my phone and began to text.

Tony's phone


Who are you?

Perry Johansson

I am Persassy, Emperor of exploding toilets, lord of blue food.


I mean how did you make your phone unhackable!

Perry Johansson

Oh that

That was not me that was a friend


Can I meet this friend?

I need to know how anyone can out hack me.

Perry Johansson

That's not possible



Percy's POV

Dead, dead, DEAD! my mind screamed at me. Leo is dead and it is all your fault, you weren't strong enough to save him, you should have been the one to stop Gaia. IT was prophesied that you would be the one to die, not Leo. if-

Ding! Went my phone cheerily, and a message popped up, lighting up the lock screen. It was from Arrogant guy. Unlocking my phone, I flipped to message there, was one text reading,

Arrogant guy


I ready my hands to text some lie but my fingers hesitated on my screen. Should I tell Arrogant guy the truth? He seemed as if he could be trusted, but he did try to hack me . On the other hand I felt as if he needed to tell somebody about Leo. I knew my friends were always there to talk, but any time I mentioned Leo everyone would get teary eyed and I would feel guilty, and quickly change the topic. Maybe it was time I talked to someone, and what better someone than an adult you met on the internet a day ago and don't know anything about in real life.

Percy's phone


He's dead

Arrogant guy

I'm so sorry, kid.


If I had been a little bit faster or a little bit stronger he would still be alive

Arrogant guy

You can't beat yourself up about this, kid.

What happened?


He got into some trouble with family

Arrogant guy

And that led to him DYING?!?



We have a really crazy family

Arrogant guy

Wait, We?


He's my cousin's kid

Arrogant guy

Are you and your cousin's kid getting abused, because if so I can help you.



We are fine

Perfectly fine

Arrogant guy

Yesterday you asked me how to stitch a wound, did your family do that to you?



Arrogant guy

What happened then?


I tripped?

Arrogant guy

You tripped.🤨


I tripped and hit the back of my head on a table

Arrogant guy

You hit the back of your head?



Arrogant guy

Then how were you able to stitch the back of your head?



Bye gtg

Arrogant guy

Don't leave kid, what about you and your family!

Get back here!


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