Chapter 11: A Terrible Tutor

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To anyone confused about the plot here is a summary 

Tony doesn't know who he is texting, Percy does. He knows that Tony is iron man too. 

Tony thinks Peter Johansson (Percy's name he uses for texting) works against Hydra

He thinks that Percy works for Hydra  

The world thinks that Tony is a murder. 


(A/N I do not know anything about tutoring and not much about chemistry so sorry about my lack of information. If there is any thing very wrong point it out I will try and change it. This chapter is mostly a filler chapter but I may make it include information that will be important in later chapters. 

I try and have a least one funny part in each chapter, notify me if I am successful. Now onto the chapter!)

Percy's POV

I stood outside Annabeth's chemistry classroom waiting for her as highschoolers talked to their friends and headed out the doors, done for the school day. From inside I could hear Annabeth's muted yelling, and I felt a pang of sympathy for whoever she was so mad at. The door slammed open and Annabeth stormed out silently fuming, she saw me and stalked towards me, each foot hitting the ground with a hollow smack. I gave her a nod and picked up my backpack that was lying on the ground. Together we started our way to the door, heading home.

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, but thought better of it and opted not to say a word.

Knowing Wise Girl she'll explode right about... now.

"Did you hear what happened," she burst out, then without waiting for me to respond continued. "The guy behind me pulled my hair in class today!"

I felt a wave of Fury wash over me, but it quickly receded. Whatever Annabeth did or was going to do would be exactly what he deserved, still he was going to get a talking to from me. I looked over at Annabeth, gauging whether or not I should ask who did it. As I turned towards her I noticed long white strands hanging on the back of her head.

Crap, I thought, spider webs. She must have walked through a web sometime during the day. If I pointed it out to Annabeth she would freak out and make a bigger deal out of it then it warranted, so I resigned myself to trying to get the webs out without her noticing. Easier said than done.

Reaching out my arm I quickly try to brush the webs away with the tips of my fingers. Unfortunately the webs stayed firmly in place.

"Why did you just touch my hair?" Annabeth said, turning to me with a confused expression.

"Just something in your hair" I responded trying to hide my nervousness, Annabeth gave me a confused look.

"You could've just told me." she said reaching up to feel whatever was in her hair, but before her hand could feel the webs I stopped her with my outstretched hand.

"Wait, I got it."

She gave me a suspicious glance but nevertheless stopped walking and turned around, waiting for me to get it out of her hair. I was tempted to try and untangle the webs from her hair, but I knew that if I took too long she would get suspicious and try and get it out herself. So I prayed to the fates that she wouldn't kill me, and grabbed the center of the tangle of webs and yanked. (I am mentally wincing for Annabeth at this part.)

Annabeth let out a yelp of surprise and pain and the webs came away in a clump of spider silk and hair in my hands.

Yup, she is definitely going to kill me. I thought as I looked at the amount of hair that had come with the webs.

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