Chapter 7: Gold guy

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 A big thank you to all my reader that have kept reading despite me not having updated in almost exactly two months.  Here is a extremely  long chapter for you. I am finally getting into the plot of the story. 

Percy started in confusion, instead of Ariel's voice coming through Alexa singing under the sea, it was a male voice with a British accent. First Alexa sounded way too happy, now this. Having technology break when you were around was one thing but this was something else, who knows maybe the government was spying on him through his Alexa. Percy almost laughed out loud at that thought.

Yeah, sure, the government decided to spy on a 17 year old kid.

Yet Percy still unplugged the Alexa before walking out the door to school.

Percy hummed a jolly melody as he walked up the busy street to Midtown high school, the school he had been going to for the last week. Because it was still early September the weather was still warm so Percy chose to walk, besides he had broken Paul's old Prius more times than he cared to remember.

But now I have a job and less monsters are attacking after the war-

Percy's thoughts were cut short by the sound of sirens, he jerked his head up to see a firetruck with it's lights flashing. Following the path of the firetruck with his eyes Percy saw a building up in flames. Smoke was pouring out of the doors and flames were spewing out of the windows. Percy could barely make out the shapes of people moving around through the smoke, whether they were civilians or firefighters they needed help. Letting out a sigh Percy shot a mournful glance at the corner he would turn to get to school then sprinted in the other direction, towards the fire.

As Percy arrived in front of the fire, he served the scene. If he just put the fire out with a blast of water, the building would probably collapse trapping the people inside. Anyways, though the mist disguised what Percy was really doing, it had a tendency to make it seem as Percy was doing something weird. Such as putting out the fire with a water gun that never runs out of water, which might just raise more questions than answers.

Annabeth would know exactly what to do.

But unfortunately for him Annabeth was at school and he was stuck in front of a burning building with no plan. Percy tried thinking of what people did in movies when they tried getting fires, put a hood over their head, cover their face with a wet rag, just run in. Percy thought, then the thought hit him like Mrs. O'Leary stepping on his head. (It happened once and Percy was not looking forward to it happening again.) He could cover his face with a wet rag, or more exactly a Percy version of a wet rag. Percy pulled water from a water bottle from a car down the street and formed it to cover his nose and mouth and ran into the burning building.

Tony's POV

Fifteen minutes earlier

Tony took a deep breath of the fresh air filtered through his suit and took another loop around the block. Whenever he had a bad or stressful day he would take a loop around the block.

"Sir, Fury is calling you." Jarvis voice came in through his suit's speakers

"Put him on hold, or better yet hang up," Tony replied voice dripping with annoyance.

"I think it is too late sir, he's gotten past my firewalls-" Jarvis's voice cut out abruptly and the face of Nick Fury himself filled the suits screen.

"We have a situation here Stark, we need you,"

"You know, I make a habit not to talk to people who hack me" Tony replied ready to tell Jarvis to end the call

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