Chapter 16: Chessica

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Sorry it took me so long to update, I had writers block.

Percy's POV 

I heaved my backpack onto my shoulder as I headed out into the bustling hallway. The heavy straps digging to my shoulder blades, rubbing against the fresh claw marks.

I really need to get more ambrosia. I thought, weaving through the masses of students. As I neared the door to my next class I ran into someone. Literally. We had both been speed walking so the collision sent us both crashing to the floor. I landed on my back with the pained oof, and heard the other guy do the same. I rubbed my head, wincing,

man, that guy had a hard noggin.

I heard footsteps approaching, and looked up to see a hand outstretched, reaching to help me out. Attached to that hand was none other than Peter Parker. As our eyes met he goes pale as a sheet, his previously helping hand yanks back to fiddle with the cuff on his opposite sleeve. He takes a step back like I'm going to pop up and attack him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into-, I wasn't paying attention, sorry." Peter stutters, gesturing with his hands nervously. I waved him off.

"It's no big deal, I should've been paying more attention. By the way, has anyone ever told you that you have a really hard head." I replied, then cut him off before he could make another apology. "Really man, it's no big deal. On another note, are you available for tutoring tonight? I've got a huge chem test tomorrow."

And just like that, the panic on Peter's face multiplied tenfold. He opens his mouth like a deer in the headlight, then closes it again. I open my own mouth to tell him that it's OK, when he squeaks out a small "yes." Then promptly speed walked out of the hallway.

That was weird. I thought as I watched his speeding figure zoom out of view . Ever since Ned tutored me a week ago everything with Peter had been tense. I don't know what I did wrong. Sure, Ned had been nervous to begin with, but after 15 minutes he opened up and we had a good time. At least I thought we did. Now whenever I see Ned or Peter in the hallways they avoid me like the plague. It was weird to say the least. I wondered what had happened to make them so afraid of me.

Did someone threaten them to stay away from me? I wondered, but that thought only raised more questions. Monsters and gods usually stayed out of human affairs, and even if some monster was trying to get to me, why Peter? I hung out more often with the other people on the swim team.

I was pulled from my thoughts by a shimmer in the air. Crap. Around me students push to get to their classes, none yet noticing the distortion of air getting larger. As the first hint of color started seeping through the mist I knew I had to make a choice quickly, answer the iris message in the middle of the hallway, and risk the clear-sighted students seeing it, or almost get killed because I wasn't warned about the impending monster attack. I chose the obvious decision. With the flick of my wrist, I swiped a hand through the math, dismissing the incoming calls.

After all, I didn't want to be the reason some kid got a heart attack in the hallway because they saw a floating head. So I hurried into the classroom just as the bell rang. As soon as I set my bag down I rushed up to the teacher, asking to go to the bathroom. My teacher gave me the look. The one that said you-just-had-a-five-minute-passing-period-and-now-you're-asking-me

-to-go-to-the-bathroom. So I brought out my secret weapon, I pasted a desperate look on my face and started to squirm.

"I'm going to pee myself if I have to wait another second." And just like that I was out.

Man, I should win one of those acting awards. Grammy winner Percy Jackson has a nice ring to it.

I hustled down the halls of Midtown, trying to find the right bathroom. I took a right turn at a fork, and was rewarded with the sight of my bathroom, and all its broken down glory. It wasn't really my bathroom, but before the school year started one of the pipes had burst in the boys bathroom (not me this time.) and the school hadn't gotten around to fixing it. So I claimed it as my own.

Looking both ways down the hall, I quietly slipped into the slightly flooded bathroom, hoping no teachers saw me sneaking past the out of order sign. My footsteps clicked quietly on the white tile floor, as I strolled down to the second stall. The door of the stall squeaked loudly as I opened it, eliciting a wince from me. I listened carefully from footsteps, to see if anyone had heard, but the only sounds were the AC and my breaths.

Moving carefully I reached my hand into the toilet paper dispenser, shimming my hand up to the top to grab the small pouch stored there. The pouch jingled as I retrieved it. I took a single drachma into my hand, and concentrated. I let my senses wander, searching for the water and the dry pipes finally finding a pool of it condensed in a curve of piping. I reached out to it with my mind, coaxing the water above ground and into a fine mist.

"O'Fleecy, do me a solid and show me the last person to Iris message me." I said praying to the gods that Iris messaging worked like that. The mist started to shimmer and I sucked in a breath, would it work? The mist started to warp, its transparent surface becoming solid and glasslike. I backed away from the warping mist, I never seen the mist act like this. Just as I was about to exit the bathroom and pulled the fire alarm to evacuate everyone the mist swirled and became a face, one that didn't look so happy.

"There better be an important reason for this," Iris, goddess of rainbows and gluten-free muffins, complained, "I was meditating and you just killed the vibes."

"Sorry ma'am," I answered as politely as I could, it's never a good idea to anger a goddess. "It's an emergency"

" it better be," Iris snorted, "if this happens again I'm turning you into a goat."

Before I could say a witty comment about me already being the greatest of all time, the mist changed once more, this time more morphing to the familiar face of Chiron. Or more accurately the familiar back of the head of Chiron. From what I could tell it seemed like Chiron was playing a game of chess, based on the shape of the pieces he was picking up in the clink as he sat them down. The person he was playing against was concealed by Chiron's rather large head, but the voice was young and animated.

"I will beat you this time!" The young voice exclaimed, followed by the clink of a piece being played. "Chessica's algorithm will find the best move every time, not even-"

I cleared my throat, cutting off the voice, Chiron's head turned around, revealing a surprised Harley behind him. In Harley's hand was a small robot with a tiny screen on the front showing different possible chess moves, Chessica apparently. As Chiron saw me his expression morphed into one of seriousness.

"Harley, I need to talk with Percy for a moment. Privately." Chiron's tond was stern, making it clear there was no room for argument. Still Harley tried his luck.

"Come on. We haven't even finished our game, and I was beating you!" He whined. Turning around picked up one of his bishops and placed it diagonally from the king.

"Checkmate" Harley let out a loud groan, then reluctantly stormed out of the room, making adjustments to Chessia as he went. The minute the door to the big house clicked shut Chiron turned to face me.

"Percy, I am so sorry to bother you, but something has arisen, and it requires your experience."

I groaned, of course. Ever since I got the iris message in the middle of the school day I knew something was wrong. But I had pushed the horrid idea that it could be a prophecy out of my head. How many times could I have bad luck before something good finally got thrown my way?

"Just tell the prophecy already, I have an appointment with the gods in 5 minutes to tell them to get out of my life."

"There's no prophecy Percy." Chiron said almost hesitantly. "I have a task that I can't trust with anyone else." This took me aback. There was no prophecy,and what could be so important that Chiron would send me on?

"I need you to watch a man by the name of Tony Stark. I'm afraid he might start killing demigods."

Did you like the chapter? I am writing a fanfic that is if Peter found Apollo/Lester instead of Meg, should I write it? If I do updates on here might be a little slower. 

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