Chapter 10: A Midtown Mishap

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Hi! Thank you so much for continuing to read this it means a lot! I can't believe I actually got to 100 likes and more🤯. So thanks so much! Sorry I haven't updated much, I was really motivated to get this chapter done before No Way Home came out, but I didn't get it done and after that I was not motivated to finish it.  But this is the first chapter with Peter! He is my favorite character so I am glad I found a way to bring him in. Like the rest of the Marvel stuff I have no idea where this comes in but Ned and May know about Spider-Man and so does Tony. 

Tony's POV

Tony spun around once more in his swivel chair and took a sip of his coffee. Currently Tony was running on 90% caffeine and 10% annoyance at HYDRA.

"Jarvis,run the security footage around the scene again" Tony said into the cluttered space of his work room. Tony had been watching this same footage of the fire for the last five hours but had yielded no results.

"Of course, sir." Jarvis answered and the video began playing on the screens around Tony.

HYDRA had managed to loop the security and street cameras around the building so that it showed a blank street for an hour before the building suddenly was up in flames and firefighters were bustling around. It showed the fire slowly dying down to embers, surrendering to the firefighter's constant barrage of water. 

As some of the firefighters started to sit down there was a commotion at the edge of the parking lot and Tony viewed himself walking over to talk to the head firefighter. While video Tony is talking there is a movement where the building used to be, and out of the wreckage climbed Percy Jackson. Tony knew that there was a chance that Percy just might be a normal teen who wanted to help out, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Percy than what Percy had revealed.

"Jarvis, pause video." Jarvis obliged, cutting the video off as Percy stepped out of the embers with the HYDRA agent in tow.

"Zoom in on Percy's face." Once again Jarvis did as Tony demanded, and the screen showed a slightly blurry image of the teen.

"Run him through facial recognition." The computer ran through a series of scans before popping up a file on Percy. Tony's eyes skimmed the file skipping over all the trivial information. (Who needed to know who Percy, or Percous was in the same class as when he was three. Honestly, Tony felt bad for the person who had to find all this information.) 

As Tony neared the second page of the file, it started to get weirder. First it was Percy strangling a snake in preschool, then it was a blown up school bus. Later when Percy was twelve, there were reports of a nationwide manhunt for Percy but ended up with Percy being innocent. As Tony scanned the rest of the file he noticed many incidents like the manhunt, Percy would be suspected for a major crime but in the end decided innocent and get away with no charges. Tony had suspicions about Percy before but this only confirmed them.

Percy was in HYDRA. 

Peter's POV

Peter rummaged around in his desk searching for the last ingredient for his web solution. Peter had started making the web solution three months after he got powers and since Aunt May hadn't known about his abilities at the time he started making it at school. Midtown had all the ingredients for it anyway, and the teachers assumed that if you were smart enough to make it into the advanced chemistry class, you wouldn't start blowing stuff up with the chemicals.

"Aha!" Peter whispered triumphantly, pulling the calcium chloride out from where it was buried underneath the other chemicals. He carefully measured out twelve milliliters into a graduated cylinder and poured it into the clear liquid of the rest of the mixture and quickly shut the drawer he was making it in. A small plume of the cloudy colored smoke drifted from the closed drawer and Peter waved it away. 

He looked up making sure nobody had noticed and glanced at the board, where the teacher was writing formulas. Opening up his desk once again Peter peered down at the newly made web solution. Taking a funnel Peter poured the mixture into the small containers that he kept on him at all times. He pressed one of the web cartergies into his web shooter and tried them out, shooting short strands of webs into the desk drawer.

"Peter, would you mind telling the class what you found so interesting about your desk." The teacher's voice carried across the room, startling Peter. He jerked his head up, and in doing so tilted his hand upwards and accidentally pressed the web shooters on his wrist, shooting a thin strand of web right into the girl's hair in front of him. Peter looked on in horror as webs got tangled into her hair. Peter had designed the formula so that it would stick to virtually anything, compared to the things it was able to stick to, it would be nearly impossible to get out of hair.

"Peter," the teacher said again in a warning tone. By now the whole class was staring at him and Peter's only thought was to divert the attention of the class so they didn't notice the webs that connected him to the girl.

"I was grabbing my pencil, I dropped it on the floor," He stammered, holding up a pencil that he had just taken from his pencil case.

The teacher nodded and went back to the lesson, leaving Peter to the task of getting the webs out of the girl's hair, without her noticing. He tried tugging on the web, hoping it would come out without much pulling. Unfortunately it remained resolutely stuck and Peter came to the conclusion that the only way to get it out by tugging would be to yank out the hair too, which Peter was not about to do. 

He looked over at Ned, sitting across the room doodling on his paper, and tried to signal to him. Peter gave a little wave with his arms with no avail , Ned continued to draw on his paper, not noticing Peter. He tried fake coughing but it only drew the attention of his other classmates and not Ned. Finally as a last resort, Peter took his web shooters and shot a web at Ned's pant leg and tugged lightly.

Ned shot up and he looked around wildly before noticing the webs on his pants and looking at Peter. Peter gave a pointed look at the webs stretching from him to the girl in front of him, then to the webs in her hair. Understanding what Peter meant Ned's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open.

What did you do? Ned mouthed to Peter looking between the webs and Peter. Peter responded with a helpless shrug and mouthed, help me back to Ned. Brighting, Ned bent down and started shuffling around in his desk, obviously looking for something. Head popping back up from the desk, he held a pair of shiny blue scissors and mimed a chopping motion with them.

Peter gave him a thumbs up and Ned meandered over to Peter looking like he was going to sharpen his pencil. As Ned wandered past he slipped the pair of blue scissors underneath Peter's desk and into his waiting hands. Ned walked over to the pencil sharpener and sharpened his already sharp pencil, completing the act. 

Peter stuck his hand under his desk and tried to cut the loose piece of webbing, but no matter how different angles he tried to cut it from, it managed to stay resolutely uncut. Peter winced knowing what he would have to do to be able to cut the strand. Peter readied the scissors around the webbing and pulled it taught, cringing as it yanked on the girl's hair in front of him. The web cut with a clean click as the blades of the scissors snapped together.

Peter let out a pent up breath that he didn't know he had been holding and hid the evidence of the scissors in his desk. He turned half way in his seat to look at Ned and signal that everything was alright when an angry female voice cut through his relief.

"Did you just pull on my hair?"

The whole class turned to look at Peter and he could feel their judgment from all directions.

"N-n-no" Peter stammered looking between the webs he could see hanging on to the edges of her blonde curly hair, and her increasingly stormy grey eyes...


To all those who have watched No Way home who's is your favorite spider man, mines Tom Holland. 

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