Chapter 14 : Ned.

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I want to shoutout  @PJOHOOTOAPUPPY how always votes  on the chapter and encourages me to write more chapters. Thank You! 

Peter's POV

I swung through the city, gasoline smelling air whooshing passed my face as I neared the giant tower in the middle of the city. Gathering at the bottom of the Avengers tower was more people than normal, all pushing and shoving to enter the building.

Must be national Avenger day or something. I thought to myself as I landed near the crowd.

"Hey, look, it's Spider-Man '' A voice came up through the mob, and like there was a spotlight shined on me, all the faces turned towards me. Too late I realized this was not just a group of fans, sure, intermixed with everybody else were people holding signs that said 'We love you Black Widow' and 'Your my hero Captain America', but the majority of people were holding different signs. The signs said stuff like, murderer, traitor, and in one extreme case a surprisingly well drawn painting of Iron Man slaughtering innocents. Worse than that were the reporters.

They stood nearest to the tower, holding microphones and being followed around by camera men. When I had landed though they had started making their way towards me, shoving their mics in my face and bombarding me with questions. I tried to shove through them and make my way to the entrance, but the crowd barred my way. I had only made it a couple of yards when one of the questions stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Did Iron Man stage the Chitauri invasion so he looks like a hero?"

Is that what people are believing these days? I whirled around in search of the person who had asked the question, but as my face turned towards the reporters they took it as their chance to shove a bunch of cameras in my face. I tried to shove them away, but I had barely enough room to shake my head, let alone move my arms.

I can't move. I can't move. I can't move. The word repeated over and over in my head, each time conjuring up the memory of me stuck under the building. My breath started coming out in quick panting breaths, and a huge weight seemed to settle on my chest. I looked around for a way to escape the crushing crowd but found no exit. The way out of the crowd was blocked by people, and on the other side was the unforgiving glass and steel of Stark tower.

Maybe not so unforgiving after all, I thought as an idea struck me. I shimmied my arms out of the crowd and aimed my wrist at the tower. I pressed my ring and middle finger to the palm of my hand, releasing a strand of webbing. It shot over the heads of the crowd, landing with a quiet thump on the doors to The Avengers tower.

I crouched down then sprang upwards propelling myself at the building, using the webs to pull me toward it. My feet touched the glass first and stuck there leaving me hanging parallel to the ground with my head level with everyone else's. The crowd craned their necks up to see me and I braced myself for another round of questions when a tapping sound came from beneath my feet.

I looked at the surface I was standing on only to find that what I had previously thought was a window was actually a glass door and standing behind that door was a familiar scowling face.

"What are you doing, get in." Happy said, peeking his head out the door. I followed him in, breathing a sigh of relief as the doors shut, blocking out the noise from the crowd. He started towards the elevators at a fast pace and I jogged to catch up with him.

"What took you so long? It's been three hours since we contacted you." Happy grouched as I struggled to keep up with him, his long strides dwarfing my small ones.

"I had school, and I didn't see the text, then-"

"Doesn't matter," Happy interrupted, cutting me off. He pushed me into an open elevator and turned to walk away.

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