Chapter 1

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{Authors note: this is the new and improved edited version. If you were reading the old version, it's in my works}


At the ass crack of dawn, my sleep-deprived mind thought of two things:

Number one: why were alarm clocks with annoying, incessant sounds ever created?

Number two: why did I need to wake up at the ass crack of dawn for an education?

Groaning in my pillow, I felt around my bedside table for the horrible invention and tried to stop it from blaring right in my ear. When it wouldn't stop, I did the one thing I thought of so early in the morning and knocked it forcefully off the table, and sighed in sleepy content as the incessant blaring stopped.

Time for school.

"Kristen! Get your ass down here before I leave without you!"

Oh the wonderful sound of my pissed off older brother Brendan. It really wasn't wonderful, and I was in no condition ready to take on The Wrath, so I did what I have been dreading and got out of my warm and cozy safe haven. Looking at the time for the first time since I woke up, I cursed under my breath when I found out I only had fifteen minutes to at least look somewhat presentable for the school day.

"Shit," I muttered, already sprinting to the bathroom to shower as quick as I possibly could. As soon as I was showered and dry enough, I slipped into some jeans and an oversized white v-neck tee. As plain as it gets, it was still one of my favorite tops. I knew I didn't have any time to do anything with my hair, so I just brushed it out and let it air dry. I continued with my usual makeup routine, but tried to speed it up considering the time crunch.

As soon as my feet hit the ground floor, Brendan was glaring at me from the kitchen table. I glared back, not even in the mood for his Wrath. I stuck my tongue out at him and he cracked a smile. Good, I won, yet again.

Grabbing a granola bar as a last resort breakfast, I slipped on my white Vans and followed Brendan out the door to the garage, his keys in his hands.


Berkley High. Your stereotypical New York high school with it's cliques and posses, which I only thought existed in movies, but I was proved wrong.

As we pulled into the student parking lot, I glared. I didn't think I could hate a building as much as I do, but I guess it's possible. Brendan waved at a couple of his buddies outside, and I rolled my eyes when a certain someone smirked at me and winked.

Carter Morrison.

Your stereotypical hot, muscled football player who is not afraid to get his flirt on with just about anyone in the school.

Or, Brendan's best friend.

Literally, I've seen girls squeal after he looks their way, like he's some celebrity. It's ridiculous, really.

I slammed the door of Brendan's car shut and hiked my backpack over my shoulder, following Brendan up to his friends. When I noticed Carter smirking at me again, I rolled my eyes.

"Pretty boy can't get enough of me, how cute," I muttered, sarcasm dripping from my words.

Carter crossed his arms over his chest, making sure to pull out The Smirk while doing so. "You wish Cortland, you just can't keep your eyes off me."

"You know, trying to seduce me isn't going to work," I told him, crossing my arms across my own chest to mock him. Just as he opened his mouth to come back with some self obsessed, egotistical comment, I was saved by the bell, in a sense, as my best friends Rachel, Katie, and Lizzie approached. "Oh thank God," I muttered under my breath, stepping away from the guys to approach them. I rolled my eyes when I noticed them all make sure to "subtly" check Carter out.

"I can't believe you all see something in him," I commented, and my gesticulation of my thumb jutting toward Carter caused him to roll his eyes at me.

The ten minute warning bell rang, to my joy because I did not want to endure any more of Carter, and my three friends and I hooked arms and started walking inside to our lockers.

"I can't believe you don't see something in him," Rachel muttered.

I shrugged. "It happens."

Fortunately, all four of us had our first class together, and as we started walking down the hall, I noticed Carter talking to some girl leaning against the locker. It was obvious in her stance that she was trying so hard to look cute for him, but she was trying way too hard. She looked confused, and I mentally noted that she was presumably a hook up that he was trying to "let down easy."

As soon as we all sat down in our seats, Katie nudged me and tilted her head toward the door. Sure enough, Carter walked in a minute before the bell rang, a sly grin etched on his features. Whatever that boy was up to, I did not want to know about.

The lesson started, and it being the first class of the day, I wanted so badly to fall asleep, but I willed myself not to. I heard bad things happen if you fall asleep in this teacher's class, so I never did, and I definitely do not want to find out.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket of my jeans, and when I opened it up, I rolled my eyes at the infamous sender.

don't fall asleep. turn around

I almost didn't, just to mess with him, but I did anyway.

Carter was smirking at me two seat away.

I flashed him a smile and a middle finger, turning back around.

If falling asleep in this class was bad, I didn't want to think about getting caught flashing the bird at a certain egotistical sex god.


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