Chapter 6

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{Authors note: this is the new and improved edited version. If you were reading the old version, it's in my works}


I don't seem to understand what the fun of drinking and waking up with a hangover is all about. It's actually pretty shitty, and I kind of wanted to throw up. Why did I think drinking the rest of my wine was a good idea? Because it definitely was not a good idea.

As much as I wanted to lay in bed the entire day and do absolutely nothing, there was a house to clean, and I knew Brendan probably hasn't even woken up yet. God forbid my brother wakes up at ten o'clock on a morning after a good party.

I approached Brendan's door and opened it a little bit to check if he was in his room, and he was in fact, and it looked like there was another body in bed with him. The feeling of wanting to throw up came back, and I left the scene before anyone saw me.

I finally decided to build up the courage to walk downstairs see what the mess of last night looked night.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes.

Okay, wasn't as bad as it could be, but it certainly could be better.

The floor could barely be seen with the amount of red cups strewn all over the place. Beer bottles and cans covered every table top, and I groaned when I noticed the questionable stain on the carpet by the sound system.

Brendan's lucky I love him, or else I would march right back upstairs and go back to sleep.

Sighing heavily, I grabbed a black trash bag out from under the sink. I hope we have another box somewhere, because I'm probably going to be using ten more of these.

Once I started collecting empty cups and beer bottles from the kitchen counter, I heard someone descending the stairs. I really hoped it was Brendan coming to help me with his mess, but I rolled my eyes when it was the girl in his bed.

"Uh," She muttered, brushing a hand through her hair. She was in one of Brendan's t-shirts, the one I got him when we were in Florida exactly. Great. "Who are you?"

I smirked, setting my bag down on the floor. I could have some fun with this. "I should be asking you the same question," I replied. "I'm Brendan's girlfriend." Her expression made me want to burst into laughter, but I kept myself from doing so.

"Well, were you the one in bed with him last night? I think not," She countered back, crossing her arms over her chest. "Looks like I'm the winner, now aren't-"

"Kristen, what are you doing to Nicole?" Brendan sauntered down the stairs, sliding his hand through his messy hair and rolling his eyes. "Whatever she told you isn't true. Probably." I laughed, picking my trash bag back up to continue Brendan's stupid mess.

"Brendan baby, help me clean up this mess," I commanded, giggling after I said it.

"Ugh, gross, stop!" He exclaimed, covering his ears with his hands. "She's my sister Nicole, she's not my girlfriend." Nicole made a scoffing noise and left the room, hopefully to collect her things and leave.

"So are you going to help me clean up your mess? Or am I doing all of this myself?" Despite the banging headache I was sure he had, he smiled at me, his dimples poking out.

"What, do you think I'm an asshole?" He chuckled and rolled his eyes, then glanced at the ugly stain on the carpet. "I'll grab the carpet cleaner," He muttered, already started for the basement where it was stored.

"We're going to be at this all day, I hope you don't have any plans," He called from the basement, and I groaned.


I shook out the water in my hair after my shower, drying it out with a towel. I changed into clean clothes instead of finding random articles of clothing on my floor that could have been laying there for who knows how long.

I really don't know why I was so paranoid.

I've gone my entire life talking to her with no problem at all, but suddenly here I am, nervous as hell to go over and explain things that I don't even know how to begin to explain. What was she supposed to expect when I'm at her doorstep begging for an apology? When I'm trying to explain what I've been feeling for the past six years?

Well, it's worth a shot.

I grabbed my phone, shoving it in the pocket of my jeans and walking across the street to the Cortland's. Ringing the doorbell, I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

Kristen opened the door, a confused and slightly shocked expression on her face.

"Hey!" I greeted with mock cheer.

"Uh, hi..." Kristen muttered.

I dropped my smile, sighing. "Listen, I need to talk to you." Thankfully, she let me in after giving me a reluctant sigh, moving out of the way of the door and shutting it once I was inside. I could tell she was in the middle of cleaning, so I'd help once I was done doing...whatever I was going to do.

"Carter, whatever you're going to say-"

"No," I interrupted her. "Last night I was way out of line, I was drunk, and you looked good, so I acted out on my drunken mind, and that was not okay. I understand if your opinion of me skyrocketed to Full Time Jerk, but I just wanted to apologize and let you know that I'm sorry. And I know I've always been a jerk to you, and I also want to say sorry for that too." When she said nothing, I weakly smiled at her, patting her shoulder as I got up from the couch to leave.

"Carter wait," I heard her call just as I pulled the door open. I turned to face her, and I was actually pretty surprised to see her expression so upset looking. Was she going to cry? Did my poor, shitty excuse of an apology actually mean something?

I was a coward, and I couldn't face her response, so I flashed her a warm smile and left, heading back across the street.

I feel like such a loser for leaving her at the door, but if she started crying, I would literally feel like the biggest scum of the earth.

I just needed to show her how much I actually cared about her so she can gain my trust.

This makes things so awkward between us now.

I hate it.


The Sex God [Book 1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora