Chapter 9

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I was a deer caught in the headlights. Metaphorically speaking, obviously.

I was so surprised that I couldn't move, and it must have confused Carter because he was trying to get my attention. I read the text over again, and finally shook out of my frozen state.

I took a deep breath, taking Carter's hand and pulling him toward the exit of the park. "Carter we have to go to the hospital, right now."

"Okay, we'll get there when we get there, but for now you should let go of my wrist because you're pulling it off of my arm." I sighed, letting go of his wrist, but continued to walk in a fast pace back to my house. What the hell did she do to land herself in the hospital? I'm going to kill her for making me so anxious and worried.

Once back at the house, Carter ran in his house to grab his keys, and once his car was unlocked, I jumped in the front seat and mentally yelled at Carter for taking so long to make it to the driver's side.

"Is she at St. Mary's?" Carter asked me, already pulling out of the driveway. I nodded my head, and soon we were on the freeway.

The ride to the hospital felt like three years, and Carter kept stealing glances at me as he drove, probably to make sure I was still breathing.

Kristen, we're here," Carter muttered, and I didn't even realize that we were parked. Great. Here we are.


I sat down in the waiting room and laid my head in my hands as Carter talked to the clueless looking receptionist. I was also going to kill Katie for not even telling me what happened. Hopefully I was freaking out for nothing, and she's fine.

Carter sat down next to me and set his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, don't stress out too much. You know Rachel, she's kind of a klutz. She probably tripped over her own feet or something." I sighed, lifting my head up from my hands and resting it on Carter's shoulder instead.

"You're right, thanks Carter. What did the receptionist say?"

"The computer was being a bitch so she told me she would let me know when she finds out where Rachel is." I sighed again, closing my eyes and calming myself down.

"Mr. Morrison?" The receptionist called from her desk. "Your friend is in room 249. The elevators are-" I wasted no time in jumping up from my seat and running over to the elevators, not letting her finish her sentence. I pressed the up button several times, and Carter had to move my hand away.

"You're going to break the damn thing," Carter laughed, and I sighed in relief when the doors finally slid open.

"Why are you laughing? Do you think this is funny?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Sorta," He replied, smiling at me and leaning on the wall of the elevator. I kinda wanted to punch him, but the doors open and the thought completely left my head. When we reached room 249, I opened the door, worried to see what was behind this door. Why couldn't anyone tell me what happened and made me come to the hospital clueless and worried as fuck? Sensible, right? No.

Justin was sitting down in a chair that was pushed up to the side of the bed, and he smiled at us when we walked in. "Hey guys, you made it."

"Yeah we fucking made it," I mumbled. "No one told me what happened to her, but you're smiling. You're smiling? Why are you smiling? Everything is okay?"

Justin laughed. "Yeah, she's perfectly fine. She fell down the stairs and broke her leg and had a concussion. She was exhausted after the surgery and she fell asleep, but she should be waking up soon. No worries." Carter and I let out a breath we didn't even realize we were holding. Also without realizing, I found myself hugging Carter in relief. I pulled away immediately, refusing to look at him, because I knew he was already smirking. Little bitch.

Rachel began moving, and Justin squeezed his hand in hers. I approached her other side, taking her other hand.

"Ah, I see she's waking up. I'll go get the doctor." She left the room, and Rachel opened her eyes, smiling at Justin.

"Hi baby, are you feeling alright?" He asked, and she yawned, closing her eyes and nodding her head.

"I'm just tired. Can I leave soon or...?"

"You will be able to leave in a couple minutes," A new voice answered for Justin, and the doctor approached Rachel. I'm just going to check a couple things and you should be good to go."

"So does this mean I need to use crutches?" Rachel asked, glaring at the chunky green cast on her leg.

"I call signing it first," I said quickly, already trying to find a pen. Carter chuckled at me, rolling his eyes, and I flicked him off. "Fuck off, she's my best friend. I deserve to sign it first." I wrote my name and decided to be annoying and draw all around it, making it pretty for her. Once I was satisfied, I tossed the Sharpie to Carter.

"Wow Kristen, you couldn't have saved any room for the others who wanted to sign?" He asked sarcastically. I shrugged, looking at Rachel, and she laughed.

"Explain?" Rachel mouthed at me, gesturing to Carter. I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"Nothing," I mouthed back, but she just gave me a "I don't believe you" look.

We continued to talk until the doctor came back in and told us Rachel was okay to leave. Justin helped her out of bed and got her onto her crutches, and it was pretty hilarious watching her stumble a couple times when she couldn't get her balance.

I made sure to text Lizzie and Katie to let them know that Rachel was okay. Earlier I was freaking out that Rachel was bedridden in a coma because no one would tell me what happened, but now that I know Rachel is okay, I felt this incredible wave of relief. Carter and I walked back to his car and I stole a glance at him, and it turns out he was looking at me too. He smiled at me and looked away, but there was this look in his eyes that I annoyingly could not for the life of me figure out what it was.

What is up with Carter Morrison, honestly.


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