Chapter 7

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{Authors note: this is the new and improved edited version. If you were reading the old version, it's in my works}


I paused in my cleaning, tossing the third trash bag down and taking the stairs to my room.

I hated myself for feeling the way I did as soon as Carter walked out the door. It was beyond Carter's personality to go out of his way to apologize, it was so foreign. It was so un-Carter like that it was making me feel emotions that I didn't even know I could feel.

I felt so embarrassed, and the last thing I wanted to do was see him at school and pretend like none of this happened. It just felt so incredibly weird. He was always teasing me, and I was always yelling at him. Apologies and trying to be nice was not in the mix, ever.

I do not like this at all.

What does this even mean then? That we're expecting to be nice to each other now? Why is my heart racing so fast in my chest that I feel myself have heart palpitations? This was Carter for Christ's sake! Brendan's best friend, I shouldn't even be dwelling on anything else than that. He's just Brendan's best friend. Nothing else.

But why did I have this crazy feeling of wanting to run across the street and see him again?


Hanging out with my friends wasn't an option.

No one was responding to my incessant SOS texts, so that's that.

When I glanced at the clock and noticed it was only twelve in the afternoon, I groaned. I had a lot of the day ahead of me, and I did not intend on spending it moping and confused about all things Carter Morrison.

I rolled out of bed and put leggings and a t-shirt on, slipping on my Nike's. I need to get out of here. This house reminds me of last night, and I just need fresh air.

I walked out of my house and headed toward the direction of the park. I could use a good walk and some swings sounded nice too.


Today sucks.

Like really, I don't think I've ever had a worse day.

Okay that's a lie, I definitely have had a worse day than this, but that isn't the issue right now.

The issue is, I have treated Kristen like shit practically my entire life, and I am just now realizing it.

Seriously. All I've done is tease her to the point of bullying, and I've just been getting amusement by it the whole time. It's funny how a drunken almost-kiss could finally make me realize that. I'm such a terrible person.

I thought the apology would help, and believe me, it did a bit, but I still feel shitty. Like I still need to fill a part of me to be happy again. Like something was missing.

Sighing, I slumped across the hall to go upstairs to my room and sleep the rest of my shitty day away, but stopped in my tracks when I looked out the window and noticed Kristen walking outside of her house and following the sidewalk down the road. Where the hell did she think she was going?

Totally disregarding my plan to sleep the rest of the day, my curiosity got the best of me, and I left my house and started walking in the direction Kristen was going. Of course, I made sure I didn't get caught, hiding behind trees or bushes along the way. I felt very childish, but the last thing I wanted was for her to catch me following her. She ended up at the park, and I stuck my hands in my pockets and followed after her.

The crack of a stick was heard under my foot, and she froze, and my heart thudded in my chest as she slowly turned around.



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