Chapter 16

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{Authors note: this is the new and improved edited version. If you were reading the old version, it's in my works} 


You know that feeling you get when you totally forget you had math homework? When the teacher tells you to get out your homework and pass it up to the front of the room, but you have nothing to add to the pile?

That was me right now in math class.

"Shit," I muttered, rustling through my binder in hopes that it will just magically appear. Nope, I definitely didn't do it.

I wonder if Kristen did it-


Kristen isn't even in class.

What the hell? She was just in English?

As Mr. Smith finished collected the homework, I heaved a sigh. I'll have to work on that tonight.

Kristen finally walked in, sitting down in the empty seat a couple seats up, taking out her homework and handing it to Mr. Smith. Damn it Kristen.

"Kristen," I quietly whispered as Mr. Smith as he prepared his computer for today's lesson. I know she heard me, because it turned out that I wasn't that quiet, but she totally ignored me. "Kristen," I repeated, but when Mr. Smith gave me "that look," I sat back in my seat.

can u help me with the homework later bc guess who forgot to do I typed out on my phone, sending it after typing a couple cute emojis. She grabbed her phone and my screen said that she read the message so I waited for her to reply.

She didn't.

Damn it Kristen.

Once class was over and Mr. Smith was shouting tomorrow's assignment that I will definitely do, I grabbed my bag and walked over to Kristen.

"Thanks for ignoring me, it feels great," I told her, and she shoved her binder in her backpack. "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you ask Holly?" She replied, hiking her backpack on her shoulder and walked to the door.

"What-that doesn't even make sense," I said, the cranks in my head going as I tried to figure out what she was talking about.

"Does it not?" She told me, poking me in the stomach as we walked down the hall.

"You're weird," I told her, chuckling lightly.

"Thanks, I really try sometimes," She responded, sticking her tongue out at me.

She's so confusing.



I was so thankful when the final bell rang and it was time to go home. The past couple days have been so stressful and all I really wanted to do was sleep, I was exhausted. And it's only Monday! Wonderful. I groaned, lightly hitting my head on my locker.

"What's the matter now?" A masculine voice asked me, coming up to my locker and resting his arm against the locker above my head.

"I'm just exhausted," I told Carter, turning to face him and shutting my locker closed.

"Me too, and I didn't do my math homework that was due today so I was going to ask you to help me later." He flashed me a mischievous smile and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you talking about, you don't need help in math, if anything I should be asking you to help me. You can do it without my help." He pouted at me, and I only scoffed. He's ridiculous for asking me to help him because he's a genius, and I kind of wanted to kick his ass for it.

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